RealMadrid 板

LINE Cristiano Ronaldo's agent Jorge Mendes has blasted UEFA for their decision to hand Luka Modric the Player of the Year award on Thursday, telling reporters i t was "simply and purely ridiculous." C羅經紀人Jorge Mendes對於魔笛獲選歐足聯最佳球員,感到十足的荒唐。 Mendes made the comments in an interview with Portuguese newspaper Record (h/t Sport Witness' Lucas Sposito): Mendes接受葡萄牙媒體的採訪如下 以下為記者Twitter Lucas Sposito @LucasSposito_ ? 3h Replying to @LucasSposito_ "The game is played inside the four lines and that's where Cristiano Ronaldo h as won. He has scored 15 goals, carrying Real Madrid on his back and winning t he Champions League once again." ”足球是比得分的運動,而那是C羅吃飯的地方,他踢入了15球,一肩背負著皇馬並且再 次贏得了歐冠” Lucas Sposito @LucasSposito_ "It's simply and purely ridiculous. And in question is not the winner, who is the best in his position". endes-e-o-premio-para-modric-simplesmente-ridiculo?ref=HP_DestaquesPrincipais … ”這顯然是再荒唐不過了,問題不是誰是得獎者,而是誰是在他的位置上,完美詮釋著他 的角色的球員” Modric was nominated alongside Ronaldo and Liverpool's Mohamed Salah for the a ward. Both he and Ronaldo played a major role in Real Madrid's third straight UEFA Champions League title, but the Croat had the superior World Cup, guiding his nation to a second-place finish. 魔笛與C羅和Salah一起獲得UEFA最佳球員的提名。他與C羅皆在這歐冠三連霸中的皇馬陣 中扮演重要角色,但魔笛還帶領著他的國家克羅埃西亞獲得了世界盃第二名。 UEFA's website dictates performances for the national team are a part of the j udging criteria, but the name of the award often causes confusion. Many, like the Mirror's David Maddock, assumed World Cup performances were excluded from the criteria: 歐足聯的網站上寫著國家隊表現也是評斷標準的其中一部分,但獎項名稱常常造成人們的 誤解,像是鏡報的記者David Maddock就以為此獎項是排除世界盃的。 以下為記者Twitter David Maddock @MaddockMirror ? 4h Anyone else thinking with Modric taking the midfielder award, Ronaldo the st riker (and not even there) Mo Salah must be nailed on for the UEFA men's Playe r of the Year award? 有任何人覺得當魔笛拿了最佳中場、C羅拿了最佳前鋒,Salah就肯定是最佳球員了嗎? David Maddock @MaddockMirror Congratulations to Luka Modric. Just to clarify, the positional awards are for Champions' League only, overall award for the full season in all European com petitions, including domestic. Modric a worthy winner in a record breaking sea son. #LFC 恭喜魔笛,在此澄清,位置獎項是只論歐冠表現,但在最佳球員獎項,是包含所有歐洲競 賽。魔笛在這突破的一季獲獎是實至名歸的。 Ronaldo, who moved to Juventus during the summer, scored a remarkable 15 goals in the Champions League, five more than Salah, Sadio Mane and Roberto Firmino . The Portuguese had won the award in three of the last four seasons. 在今夏轉會尤文的C羅,上季歐冠踢進了令人印象深刻的15球,比利物浦三箭頭個別還多 了五球,這位葡萄牙球星,在過去四年三次獲獎。 Modric's statistical output was minimal in comparison, but as a deep-lying mid fielder, he's not expected to add a lot of goals or assists. 魔笛的數據在比較看來會顯得不具優勢,但作為一個較靠後的中場,他並不被期待有太多 的助攻與進球。 Opinions on the decision to hand him the award were mixed: 幾個他會獲獎的原因可能如下: 以下為個人Twitter Sam Tighe @stighefootball Luka Modric named UEFA Men's Player of the Year and he thoroughly deserves it . Consistently brilliant, a beacon of quality in a Real Madrid midfield that h as dominated Europe’s top table for 3 straight seasons. 魔笛獲得最佳球員,完全實至名歸。一貫的傑出的表現,作為一個皇馬陣中的燈塔,也讓 他連續三季得以入選歐洲最佳陣容。 Deji Faremi @deejayfaremi I'm shocked Modric won the UEFA Player Of The Year award ahead of Cristiano R onaldo. Firstly, I think Kroos was even the better Real Madrid midfielder in the UCL. Secondly, Cristiano Ronaldo scored in 10/13 games for the winners. That's sick 我對於魔笛比下C羅拿下最佳球員感到十分震驚。 第一,我認為比起魔笛,Kroos是歐冠裡的最佳中場球員。 第二,C羅在13場比賽中的10場踢進致勝球,這很銷魂。 Both Modric and Ronaldo are among the final 10 candidates to win the FIFA Men' s Player award as well. The three finalists will be revealed on September 3. 魔笛和C羅兩位也都入選世界足球先生的最後十人提名。最後三位候選人名單將在九月三 號公布。 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自:
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: MartinGarrix (, 08/31/2018 06:16:24
1F:推 stylesfan091: 倒數第二則kroos打錯了08/31 07:27
※ 編輯: MartinGarrix (, 08/31/2018 08:00:15
2F:→ MartinGarrix: 感恩已改 08/31 08:01
3F:推 jsj2203012: 老實說這次Mendes講話算得體了哈哈哈哈 08/31 13:44
4F:→ jsj2203012: 身為C羅的經濟人出來護航根本完全沒問題 08/31 13:44
5F:→ jsj2203012: 他也沒忽視Modric的偉大之處,只是幫客戶說好話而已 08/31 13:45
6F:推 christing19: 外網據說吵成一團了。。。 08/31 20:02
7F:推 skydark: 門德斯講啥不是很重要 不是C羅自己說的就好 08/31 20:27
8F:推 chewie: 分人家一屆也還好啦 08/31 20:41

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