Psychiatry 板


我想提供我的專案給GNU Software, 不過失敗了,以下是我跟GNU Software人員的對話, 有些部份,為了隱私,打馬賽克。 =Ineiev======================================== Hello, ***! Unfortunately, we have to decline your offer. The goal of the GNU Project is to develop and enhance the GNU operating system, and your program doesn't fit it in many ways: its primary platform is Windows, it uses GPL-incompatible license for its source code and even nonfree license for its documentation, its only UI language is Chinese, its build procedure doesn't comply with GNU standards. Moreover, the scope of your program considerably overlaps with already existing GNU programs, and accepting your program would mean suboptimal use of our resources. Thank you once again for offering your package to GNU. =Me============================================= Hello, Ineiev! The main platform for running the program is indeed Windows, but it can also run on macOS and Linux. Although I haven't personally built it for Linux, if Cython can be used to build it on Linux, it should be runnable there as well. As for the documentation, it was written by another friend on the internet, and if there are copyright concerns, we can remove the documentation part. Regarding the user interface (UI), it is currently in Chinese, but there are not many Chinese characters involved. If it has the opportunity to become part of GNU software, we can easily add English text since there are not many words involved. The reason English text is not currently used is because the program is a ***(打馬賽克), which is actually a ***(打馬賽克) played with Taiwanese rules. The ***(打馬賽克) themselves are represented using Chinese characters, so the UI text is also in Chinese. As for GNU games, while there are many ***(打馬賽克), to the best of my knowledge, there hasn't been a GNU software release for ***(打馬賽克) yet. Even if this game doesn't pass GNU scrutiny, there might be some misunderstandings regarding the points I've mentioned above. =Ineiev========================================= Thank you for clarifications, but even these points can't make ***(打馬賽克) a feasible candidate. =Me============================================= Hello, thank you for your response. Since the software written in Python is relatively large, it apparently involves more code, so I'm concerned about potential copyright issues. I'd like to ask whether software written in Python with the addition of third-party free APIs is not suitable to be considered GNU software now? Additionally, would a tool solely written in Python still not be suitable for GNU software? If none of the above situations are suitable, then it naturally follows that ***(打馬賽克), which I have written, is not suitable to be part of GNU software. =Ineiev========================================= > Since the software written in Python is > relatively large, it apparently involves more code, so I'm concerned about > potential copyright issues. I'd like to ask whether software written in > Python with the addition of third-party free APIs is not suitable to be > considered GNU software now? Additionally, would a tool solely written in > Python still not be suitable for GNU software? The criteria your package doesn't pass are quite different. I outlined a few of them in my response. > If none of the above > situations are suitable, then it naturally follows that ***(打馬賽克), > which I have written, is not suitable to be part of GNU software. I must point out that it's GNU Evaluation Team who decides whether the offered package is suitable for GNU, not you. Sorry. ================================================ 以上是我跟GNU Software人員的對話, 我的英文沒那麼好,是用ChatGPT中翻英得到的英文, 但是,他最後一句not you, 有點觸動到我的敏感神經, 拜託,我是想要無償提供軟体給你們GNU Software, 不是向GNU Software申請補助款耶, 搞清楚供需關係好嗎?真是的… --

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1F:→ pmove : 可能有人還是不明白,not you不恰當在哪裡?舉個例 10/07 17:39
2F:→ pmove : 子,醫生幫病人診斷,發現一個疾病需要動手術處理, 10/07 17:40
3F:→ pmove : 否則死亡率很高。但是病人拒絕動手術,醫師只好說: 10/07 17:40
4F:→ pmove : 「不動手術,你會死欸。」沒想到病人居然說:「要不 10/07 17:40
5F:→ pmove : 要動手術的決定權,在我不是在你!」這件事由第三方 10/07 17:40
6F:→ pmove : 看來,不動手術痛苦而死的是病人,不是醫師欸。醫師 10/07 17:40
7F:→ pmove : 只是好心跟你講說,不動手術會死欸,沒想到病人竟然 10/07 17:40
8F:→ pmove : 不聽,還講說決定權在我,不是在你。這種小學生都知 10/07 17:40
9F:→ pmove : 道的邏輯。回到GNU回絕我的專案的話,GNU拒絕我,對 10/07 17:40
10F:→ pmove : 我其實沒啥差,又不是我向GNU申請補助款,拒絕我沒 10/07 17:40
11F:→ pmove : 必要提到,審查決定權是你們團隊,not you. 這種小 10/07 17:41
12F:→ pmove : 學生都知道的事情吧,有種好心無償提供程式碼,還被 10/07 17:41
13F:→ pmove : 你們GNU的窗口侮辱的感覺。 10/07 17:41
14F:→ pmove : 歷史上堅決不動手術而死的名人有愛因斯坦,但他是說 10/07 17:57
15F:→ pmove : :「當我想要離去的時候請讓我離去,一味地延長生命 10/07 17:57
16F:→ pmove : 是毫無意義的。我已經完成了我該做的。現在是該離去 10/07 17:57
17F:→ pmove : 的時候了,我要優雅地離去。」這才讓人聽得下去麻。 10/07 17:57
18F:→ lanesu : Ineiev的第一封回覆看起來,我會覺得是建構程序不符 10/17 10:34
19F:→ lanesu : 合GNU標準,還有程式架構優化沒有通過他們的審查。 10/17 10:35
20F:→ lanesu : 他後來會用上比較不好的語氣,應該是你的回覆沒有觸 10/17 10:36
21F:→ lanesu : 及他們認為核心的問題點吧! 10/17 10:37
22F:→ pmove : 是啊,不過他這樣回我,我也不敢再回信下去,我再 10/24 22:42
23F:→ pmove : 回信的話,我怕他要開始飆髒話啦 WTF XD 10/24 22:42

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