作者colddoggy (突然變成joke紅人)
標題[問題] 一手牌 請教
時間Thu Dec 14 12:31:37 2006
2.2 buyin SnG tourney
7/10 players left
mid-late stage of the game
with blinds are 50/100
主角俺chips 2400 (dealer)
配角 750 (bigblinds + 1)
preflop配角limps in, everyone else folded to me, with AQ suited in hand,
quickly i raised to 400, sb and bb foled right away, then, limper called.(Q#1)
950in the pot
then flop was dealt, A 3 Q(rainbowed), he checked, as i thought he may
just hav a "mid pocketpair" or an "A with a mid high kicker", i pulled(clicked!!)
all my chips into the table.(Q#2)...well just like you think, he called.
(Q#1) 這個地方, 因為配角打的很tight, 可是有時候show hands的時候 會發現他只有Ax
喜歡卻call preflop early raises with Ax, 所以當他limps in or call bet
基本上我會把它當成是拿到Ax or pocket pairs or a draw,
(Q#2) 在這一手因為他已經shortstacked, 但是preflop在我raise的時候沒有全推,
所以我大膽假設他沒有拿到AA KK or even QQ這種天殺的pairs...
而把他放在 Ax(AK-AJ我覺得無論如何他都會推) or mid pockets(6-J)
因為老實說3-6這種對真的...要馬你就allin, 要馬就別玩, 丟了一半的pot
玩這種flop一出就會被吃錢的牌(especially its mid-late period of game)
(and he was shortstacked M = 7.5),
至於draw, flush就不用說了, drawing shit..
straight的話....4outs like 16%, and pot out 30% for him(best i could do)
我覺得也是drawing shit....
so i didnt even worry about it.....
======= 後記 ========
結果他拿到的是 pocket 3...well then... i was drawing shit....
he took the relative big pot(1650)...
假如是你的話, 你會怎麼玩這一手..? 高手們...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 awwh:就冤家牌啊~~~就一定要輸給他的~~~ 12/14 13:16
2F:推 deadboy:這真的沒有辨法... 12/14 13:29
3F:推 jord:這至少還有牌理 我遇到一堆拿爆爛牌然後也Call raise 12/14 13:42
4F:→ jord:然後就被桌上兩張的那種set砍到.... 12/14 13:43
5F:推 EMPshockwave:在mtt裡面 12/14 13:57
6F:→ EMPshockwave:flop 到top two pairs 沒有在退縮的 12/14 13:57
7F:推 EMPshockwave:遇到set 我就跪下來請他把我台面上所有錢都拿走 12/14 13:59
8F:推 colddoggy:原來如此!! 感謝 12/14 15:17
9F:推 laidy:檯面兩張湊成的明三條叫trips 手裡ㄧ對的暗三條才叫set 12/14 15:17
10F:→ laidy:NL不是網路很多人都在說暗三條殺人於無形嗎? XD 12/14 15:20
11F:→ laidy:爛人分三種 爛牌主動bet 爛牌call 跟爛牌raise :P 12/14 15:22
12F:推 colddoggy:所以上面這段話是誰什麼意思阿 看起來好像很有禪機 12/14 15:27
13F:→ colddoggy:但是我看的不是很懂... 12/14 15:28
14F:推 laidy:FL經常覺得是ㄧ場混戰 你自以為知道對方是什麼牌 12/14 15:29
15F:→ laidy:不過有時候我也會當當爛人亂打 沒人規定有牌才能打 :P 12/14 15:30
16F:推 laidy:爛人特別喜歡玩的牌型還有 只要同花必打 A三小(Ax)必打 12/14 15:33
17F:推 laidy:有很多人真的是錢多來娛樂的 大家高興就好 XD 12/14 15:39
18F:推 jord:我還很討厭每一把都all in又給他賽到一兩把牌的 超煩 12/14 16:18
19F:推 EMPshockwave:freeroll 都是這種人吧 要學著適應阿 12/14 16:27
20F:推 laidy:到2/4FL還是ㄧ堆爛人跟亂打 何況freeroll :P 12/14 17:06