作者willieliao (Willie Liao)
標題Re: [問題] 請教一下英文大師
時間Sat Oct 14 08:49:23 2006
這篇回答中並沒有說為什麼沒刷成功 只說這種PENDING CHARGE如果EPASSORTE
沒有去請款的話通常7-10個工作天後才會取消 如果你要提早取消把ON HOLD 的錢
轉回來的話請跟你的銀行聯絡 如果你的銀行需要啥資料的話在去跟EPASSPORTE要
另外授權碼的英文是authorization code
題外話 剛才連進PARTYPOKER 他已經封鎖美國用戶 MONSTER 也取消 ꜊
※ 引述《spac (6 Power)》之銘言:
: 大家好,個人都是透過Epassporte刷卡
: 前幾天刷了兩次,卻沒有出現成功的訊息,打
: 電話到銀行問,竟然說已經授權了,可是Epassporte
: 就是沒有入帳,我寫信去問,他回了
: We received your inquiry regarding pending charges that appeared on
: your credit card or bank account due to unsuccessful ePassporte load
: transactions.
: Pending charges are temporary authorizations used to verify that an
: account is in good standing. These pending charges are generally
: canceled by your financial institution within 7-10 business days.
: This process can be accelerated by contacting your financial institution
: and requesting that the temporary authorizations be removed from your
: credit card or bank account. Please let us know if your bank needs any
: additional information from us so that we may better assist you in
: getting these authorizations canceled.
: 抱歉我英文不太行,想請教一下各位,這文章裡有回答為什麼沒刷成功嗎?
: 另外,打電話問銀行,他說這種帳要等差不多1個月,對方沒請款,額度才會恢復.
: 有人也遇過這種事嗎?
: 懇請解答,感激不盡.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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