作者kirkland (潛意識 想妳)
標題[討論] KQo LP $0.5/1 FL
時間Thu Mar 16 04:19:38 2006
想想看 對手拿什麼牌敢這樣打?
Table Table 97609 (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: 群魔亂舞B ( $16.50 )
Seat 2: Tiramisu ( $22.75 )
Seat 3: ZuzuBud ( $16.50 )
Seat 5: teampjs ( $42.75 )
Seat 7: salsa164 ( $7.50 )
Seat 8: vladjoker ( $19.75 )
Seat 10: auroranight ( $31.75 )
Seat 6: 秒殺 ( $35.50 )
Seat 9: kipperdon80 ( $3.26 )
Seat 4: davesorrell ( $18.75 )
kipperdon80 posts small blind [$0.25].
auroranight posts big blind [$0.50].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to 秒殺 [ Kd Qh ]
群魔亂舞B calls [$0.50].
Tiramisu folds.
ZuzuBud folds.
davesorrell folds.
teampjs folds.
秒殺 raises [$1].
salsa164 folds.
kipperdon80 folds.
auroranight folds.
群魔亂舞B raises [$1].
秒殺 calls [$0.50].
** Dealing Flop ** [ Qd, 8d, 8s ]
群魔亂舞B bets [$0.50].
秒殺 calls [$0.50].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 4c ]
群魔亂舞B bets [$1].
秒殺 raises [$2].
群魔亂舞B raises [$2].
秒殺 calls [$1].
** Dealing River ** [ 2c ]
群魔亂舞B bets [$1].
秒殺 calls [$1].
請參考PTT Poker版
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 laidy:QQ吧 03/16 10:41
2F:推 RyanTan:AKs 或 QQ 03/16 10:52
3F:推 RyanTan:話說QQ也不是穩贏的..昨天連續兩手拿QQ...第一手我all-in 03/16 10:54
4F:→ RyanTan:結果沒人call...第二手我再all-in...3個人call...結果.... 03/16 10:55
5F:→ RyanTan:flop到A,Q,5....想說贏定了...showdown其中一家拿AA..lol 03/16 10:56
6F:推 laidy:這個例子 flop我會raise 對手如果reraise就fold吧? 03/16 11:02
7F:推 samoyed:我也覺得是QQ...flop出來我不會只跟...也是會raise 03/16 16:24
8F:推 kirkland:關鍵在preflop 03/16 23:36
9F:推 samoyed:後來看一下覺得preflop的raise法...AA跟KK也都有可能 03/16 23:52
10F:推 kirkland:excellent, 這是制式的preflop slowplay 03/17 00:02
11F:推 laidy:so 又多學一招 制式? 那有非制式的嗎? 03/17 09:23
12F:→ kirkland:有阿 拿到AA然後蓋掉XD 03/17 10:23
13F:推 laidy:這個要後面"應該"有人會raise的才能使用吧? 03/17 14:38
14F:推 laidy:那我比較白目 拿到AA不管什麼位置都直接raise 03/17 14:41
15F:→ kirkland:所以說是preflop slowplay, 我也建議直接raise 03/18 08:32
16F:→ kirkland:硬碰硬對學習來講比較容易簡單 03/18 08:33