作者hesse (forgettable)
標題Re: [心得] 今天的40,000 guaranteed, 20+2 buy-in
時間Tue Nov 15 22:08:27 2005
※ 引述《terryfan1124 (terry)》之銘言:
: 我在bb..拿AQ
: blinds..400/800
: button旁邊那位raise到 1600
: 我絕得他牌不強..我就reraise到...4000左右..當時chip有將近一萬
: 他想了很久..call..
: flopped Q K K
: 我check
: 他bet 800 (我覺得他在測試我有沒有K)
: 我call
: turned J
: 我又check..他all in剩下的..3000多..
: 我直覺他在偷機..
: 加上我有Q..Ace kicker
: 我就跟了..
: 沒想到他是KJ..
: 也是當場讓我傻眼..hha
: 埃..
: 也不知道是我打錯還是運氣不好..
: 有人可以幫忙解釋一下這把牌嘛?
I would raise his 800 bet after the flop
to make sure if he has a K
If he has one, he would probably either call your raise
(which is suspicious) or, he would move all in right there
Ths raise after flop is important
as you don't want to play in the dark
It saves you money for the later calling his all in with no clue what he have
Just remember even it looks like you're pot committed
you're not
If you have good read on your opponents
As Mike Caro says,
'what you have invested in the pot...doesn't matter.'
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 sqian:同意很多 11/15 22:13
2F:→ hesse:不過我個人不喜歡AQ,所以大概不會這樣玩。呵呵。 11/15 22:23
3F:推 awwh:推~~~ 11/16 01:13
4F:→ EMPshockwave:我到寧願拿T8 same suits 11/16 10:08