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(與同伴對話) Yangus : Didn't that Bangerz kid tell us to go to some tower? East of 'ere, weren't it? I don't like being' bossed around by kids, but I reckon we should 'ave another word wiv that Bangerz. Yangus : Why does this little brat 'ave to come all the way to the tower wiv us, eh? Bit overly keen if you ask me… King Trode : I say! It seems our party's grown somewhat! Well. Let's see if youth can succeed where experience failed! I'm rather worried thst we're getting so distracted from pursuing Dhoulmagus. (到了塔的大門口) Bangerz : We made it! Jessica's in there. Now let's get this door open. It's a special door, y'know. Only the people of Alexandria know how to open it. Go on, give it a try if you don't believe me. (Superpigpig上前試了一下) (No matter hoe you push or pull, the door doesn't budge. It seems to be locked) Bangerz : See? I told you! Only Alexandrians know how to open the door. This is an emergency, so I'll show you how to open the door. But tou have to promise never to tell anyone! Okay. Here we go. Open sesame! (看了真想扁他) Pretty cool, eh? It opens from the bottom! …… Well, this is as far as I'm goin'. I'll back to the village now. You help Jessica! (往塔裡前進) (與同伴對話) Yangus : I reckon it'll be knackerin' to climb all the way up there. You'd much better at it than me, guv. That Jessica bird 'ad better not cause us no problems when we get all the way up to the top. (到了塔頂,調查女神像) (The statue's eyes are set with a pair of beautiful shimmering jewels.) (突然Jessica從底下出現了) Jessica : You! I knew you'd be back for the jewels!You killed my brother! Now you'll suffer the same fate! (閃過了Jessica發出的幾發火球) Jessica : You're fast! I guess thieves need to be quick on their toes! But you won't get away from me this time! Prepare…to…d- (一發超大的火球蓄勢待發,突然傳來一個聲音) ??? : …Wait! Jessica. It's me! Don't you recognize my voice? Jessica : A-Alistair!? Alistair : Stay your spell, Jessica! I wasn't slain at their hands. Jessica : Stay my spell!? But it's too late! (Jessica將火球射向旁邊,衝向女神像去) Jessica : Alistair! Alistair! Is that really you? Alistair : It's me, Jess. You…have to listen to me. As do you travelers… As I died, a part of my soul… was allowed to linger in this statue. Even now as I speak to you…The power keeping me here begins to evaporate…Time is short… Look into the statue's eyes… The truth lies within… Hurry… The day I died, the door to the Tower was already open. I thought it was strange. So I decided to look around and see for myself. That's when I saw him. (場景回到當日,Alistair來到塔頂,看到了某人) Alistair : Who are you? ??? : Such a pity. Alistair : Pity…!? What are you talking about? Who are you? Answer me! ??? : Me? I am Dhoulmagus. And I was referring to the fragility of human life. Alistair : Fragility? What do you mean!? My …My sword! I,I can't draw my sword! Dhoulmagus : I said: such a pity. A terrible pity that a shining young star like you should chance to encounter me. (Dhoulmagus手中的杖一指,Alistair就無法動彈) Alistair : Ngggh! What have you done…to…me…? (Dhoulmagus往下走到Alistair的身邊) Alistair : Dhoulmagus…! I won't … forget this! Dhoulmagus : What? You won't forget my name? You're too kind! I shall return the favour, and remember yours as well. Now. Let us finish this before I feel any more pity… Alistair : DHOULMAGUS!!! (Dhoulmagus一杖剌進Alistair的身體,Alistair倒地) Dhoulmagus : …… It has been an honour making your acquaintance. You may rest assured, your death will not be in vain. ……Ha ha ha! Mua ha ha ha! HA HA HA HA! AH HA HA HA! (回到了現在) Alistair : And now tou have seen what the statue saw, my traveling friends. I don't understand myself. But it seems the Statue of Alexandra has been awaiting your arrival. If the memory of my tale can serve you on your quest, it would bring great relief to my soul… My stay here is coming to an end. It's time for us to part… Jessica : No! Alistair! Don't leave me! Alistair : One final thing, Jess… Mother may try to stand in your way. Nevertheless…Follow your heart, and do as you must. Farewell, my little sister… King Trode : What a tragic affair. There can be no question. This is Dhoulmagus's treachery! Yangus : COR BLIMEY! King Trode : It would appear that Alistair also wishes us to bring Dhoulmagus to justice. His sacrifice shall not be in vain. Now we have yet another reason to stop Dhoulmagus's foul reign of terror… I shall await you by the carriage. Cheerio! (與Jessica對話) (Jessica sits on the floor, weeping silently.) (正欲向下走時) Jessica : Um…I really must apologise for my behaviour. We'll talk more later, but I need to be alone right now…I'll see you back at the village. (出塔準備回鎮上了) (與同伴對話) King Trode : That diabolical Dhoulmagus! He's a cold-blooded killer! A soulless savage! A vile viliian of the highest order! We haven't a moment to lose! We must catch that rogue if it's the last thing we do! He'll soon feel the crushing blow of my wrath! Yangus : Now we've really gotta find this Dhoulmagus after wot 'e did in that tower. I s'pose we better tell Bangerz that Jessica's okay first, though, eh? --

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1F:推 ytm1987: 06/02 20:24

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