作者cathwhc (cathwhc)
標題[推薦] Undergraduate Seminar
時間Sat Dec 27 19:19:09 2008
※ [本文轉錄自 NTUcourse 看板]
作者: cathwhc (cathwhc) 看板: NTUcourse
標題: [推薦] Undergraduate Seminar
時間: Sun Dec 14 14:44:27 2008
Dear students,
I took Professor Woodward "Intro. Psychology" course in last semester. And I
notice that he is not going to teach Intro. Psych. next semester (Spring0809).
Instead, he is going to teach an undergraduate seminar.
The purpose of the seminar is to help interested students prepared for graduate
school in an English-speaking university.
Here's the link to the seminar description:
If you have further questions, please contact Professor Woodward by email:
Art Woodward <
[email protected]>
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