Philippines 板


取自戈地椰拉人民聯盟(Cordillera Peoples' Alliance, CPA)網站: A Background on the CORDILLERA DAY celebration April 24 is a very significant date for the peoples of the Cordillera. It was in the evening of this day in 1980 that soldiers belonging to the Philippine Army’s 4th Infantry Di vision, under Lt. Leodegario Adalem, fired at two houses in the village of Bugnay, Tinglayan, Kalinga. The attack meant to kill two prominent leaders of the Kalinga and Bontok peop les opposed to the World Bank-funded Chico River Basin Hydro electric Dam Project of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos. These were Ama Macliing Dulag and Pedro Dungoc. Macliing Dul ag, a respected pangat (tribal chieftain) of the Butbut trib e, died from multiple gunshots while Pedro Dungoc survived. Pedro Dungoc later joined the New Peoples Army (NPA) and die d a red fighter. If there is one thing positive in this military terrorism and cowardly act, the Macliing assassination served to stren gthen the determination of the Kalinga and Bontok tribal peo ple. It further strengthened their unity to defend their col lective rights over their land and resources and against a c ommon enemy – the Marcos dictatorship and the world-bank fu nded Chico dams. Rather than intimidate the people into pass ivity, state fascism since the early ‘70s was a major facto r in firming up the commitment of the Chico communities to t he anti-Chico dam struggle. This later broadened into a mass movement of the Cordillera peoples and advocates into the s truggle for the defense of ancestral land and for genuine re gional autonomy. The commemoration of the death of Macliing Dulag from 1981 to 1984 was called Macliing Memorial. But with the broadeni ng of the Cordillera mass movement encompassing all the prov inces of the Cordillera, the commemoration started to be cal led as Cordillera Day in 1985 to symbolize the widening unit y and solidarity amongst the different indigenous peoples of the Cordillera, and with advocate and support groups at the regional, national and international levels. The first cele bration of Cordillera Day was held in Sadanga, Mountain Prov ince. It was also in June 1984 that the Cordillera Peoples A lliance (CPA) was founded and took the lead in the celebrati on of Cordillera Day. Since then, Cordillera Day has been held all over the Cord illera region with particular focus per celebration, in cons ideration to burning regional issues, and major national and international developments as well as the urgent issues of host community. The past celebrations were attended annually by delegates ranging from 3,000 to 4,500 individuals. It ha s become the biggest annual political solidarity gathering o f indigenous peoples in the Cordillera with friends and advo cates. The general programme for the two- day celebration in cludes workshops on major issues affecting indigenous people s, presentations on the regional and national situation and challenges; on experiences and lessons from struggles in def ense of indigenous peoples rights and human rights and vario us cultural presentations presenting the issues of communiti es and sectors, commemoration of Cordillera martyrs, and lot s of mass dancing, playing of gongs and community chanting. The festive atmosphere of each celebration remains political but colorful and inspiring. Because of the nature of this gathering as a political sol idarity event, several host communities were intimidated and harassed by the military and some government officials, but these communities as well as others who had to do a lot of work in preparing the ground for the celebration and hosting thousands of delegates remain nonetheless proud, enriched a nd inspired. The celebration of Cordillera Day has also expanded overse as which is a clear manifestation of the growing internation al solidarity for the Cordillera indigenous people’s moveme nt. For several years already, Cordillera Day has been celeb rated in Hongkong, Belgium and Macau. These are being organi zed by Cordillera migrants and workers together with interna tional solidarity partners and advocates of Cordillera strug gles and indigenous peoples rights. More than just a gathering and sharing, Cordillera Day is a political statement on present realities by the militant C ordillera peoples’ movement. It carries with it the histori cal advances of the mass movement for self determination and national democracy. It is the affirmation of principles and struggles for defense of the ancestral domain and for self determination and pursues what the Cordillera martyrs and he roes have fought for. The solidarity and camaraderie forged during celebrations serve to enhance the particularity of th e Cordillera peoples struggle and to inspire others. At the same time, it strengthens the unity of the Cordillera people s with other indigenous peoples and sectors across the regio n, and at the national and international levels. The struggle for the peoples’ aspirations for social just ice, genuine development and peace, freedom and democracy ar e still far from over. Macliing Dulag and all our other mart yrs did not die in vain. Cordillera Day and our continuing c ampaigns and struggles shall be raised to a higher ground un til our aspirations become a reality. -- 歡迎光臨: ptt菲律賓(Philippines)版 台灣外勞行動 KarlMarxian Carnival --

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