作者Fallot (可憐的法洛特小鬼)
標題Re: [問題] B肝疫苗打完還是沒抗體? 該怎麼辦?
時間Mon Nov 10 11:46:09 2008
※ 引述《covet (當好男人不當好人)》之銘言:
: 再次看了一下 paper,發現自己有點誤解
: Isolated anti-HBc can occur in four settings: (1) during the window period of
: acute HBV infection (see earlier discussion); (2) during chronic HBV infection
: as levels of HBsAg become undetectable; (3) after resolved HBV infection in
: the remote past as anti-HBs levels fall below the limits of detection; and (4) as
: a false-positive result. Up to 20% of people with isolated anti-HBc in serum
: have circulating HBV DNA, signifying chronic HBV infection [9–11]. In the other
: 80% of cases, the isolated anti-HBc usually represents a false-positive
: result or HBV infection in the remote past.
: 大概四種情況會出現只有 c-Ag
: 1)空窗期(急性感染後 s-Ag 及 Anti-s 測不到時)可測 Anti-c IgM
: 2)慢性感染時測不到 e-Ag 時
慢性帶原者HBsAg (表面抗原)低到測不到時 其實就是我說的第四群病人
文中有說約20% "isolated" Anti-HBc positive 是帶原者 跟我印象差不多
所以我才建議小心一點的話要補驗Anti-HBc 去看有沒有陽性
可是 這種型態的帶原臨床上會不會演變成肝硬化或肝癌我並不清楚 要再查一下
: 3)康復後過了很久, Anti-s 測不到時
: 4)偽陽性
: 後面建議單獨出現 c-Ag 時做一下 DNA-titer確認是不是感染
^^^^^應該是anti-HBc antibody 寫這樣會誤以為是c抗原
: 不過我很少看 c-Ag 就是了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 covet:筆誤 >_<" 11/10 17:32