Pelicans 板

LINE JR Smith Name: JR Smith DOB: Height: 6'6" Weight: 190 pounds College: Committed to UNC Year: HS Senior ---------------------------------------------------------------- High School: St. Benedicts Hometown: Newark, New Jersey Current Position: SG Expected Position: SG Possible Positions: SG Profile Written By: Strengths Competition Outlook Misc. Facts Comments Strengths: An amazing finisher, both on drives and on the break because of his extraordinarily quick and high vertical leap. He is definetely not on the level of a dunker such as Josh Smith or Dorell Wright, but he can still put on a highlight reel with his extremely quick leap and with the way he can dunk in traffic. He does show range on his jumper, inconsistent though it may be. He rebounds well for a player of his size, primarily using his athletic gifts but showing the ability to box out on a consistent basis. He's a hardnosed defender who always gives it his all and has amazing reflexes to get a occasional steal or block. Weaknesses: Has very poor shot selection, amplified by his extremely inconsistent jumper. His free throw shooting needs work too. Overall, Smith needs to learn to control himself more on the court, especially on offense. Often he will simply hurl himself into lanes leading to poor offensive sets or even offensive fouls. Smith has to gain consistency with his midrange and long-range jumpers. He also needs to improve on his ball handling ability if he wants to continue to drive with reckless abandon. Outlook: He was not expected to declare for the 2004 NBA draft, but now his future is fairly uncertain. Smith was very much an unknown player earlier this year, known only to the more hardcore draft fans (scouts knew of him of course). But after a sensational performace at the McDonalds All-American Game and the Nike Hoop Summit the rumors and the hype have began. In recent interviews he has expressed some interest in declaring for the draft. If he does declare he is certainly a 1st round pick... but the rest depends on his workouts. ESPN Insider has been leading the JR Smith hype machine, often quoting unnamed sources as to Smith's future. Contrary to what someone such as Chad Ford may write, he is not Vince Carter crossed with Steve Kerr. Thankfully UNC coach Roy Williams has publicly said he will get on a plane, fly down, and talk to Smith about all of this. Smith has committed to University of North Carolina, which can be both a blessing and a curse. While it is a nationally respected institution, one which will gain him much publicity, he is going to a loaded Tar Heels team. Next year, at the SG and SF, he will be behind Rashad McCants, Jawad Williams, and fellow freshman Marvin Williams. Jawad Williams is a senior, McCants may declare next year (or possibly this year), and Marvin Williams could very well declare next year (or possibly this year). Either way, expect Smith to be starting or atleast playing 6th man minutes by his sophomore year. Comments: Best Case Scenario: James Posey Worst Case Scenario: Poor man's Deshawn Stevenson -Prerak Shah --

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