Pelicans 板

LINE Posted on Mon, Apr. 26, 2004 Brown's defense limiting Odom BY STEPHEN F. HOLDER [email protected] Hornets forward P.J. Brown hasn't provided much of a scoring threat in this playoff series, but the former Heat player has played a huge role in what happens on defense. That's where he has been matched up with Heat forward Lamar Odom, whose versatility makes him a tricky assignment for Brown, a player who is usually rooted in the paint. Brown has had to do some things that, for him, are unconventional, such as tracking Odom out to the three-point line, territory Brown doesn't often explore when guarding the typical power forward. But Odom isn't typical, which is why his 5-of-18 shooting and seven turnovers in Saturday's Game 3 was a testament to the job Brown did. "I just keep him from driving," Brown said. "[ Dwyane] Wade, [ Caron] Butler, Odom, they're going to drive the ball, penetrate and cause havoc. With Odom, he's more of a [small forward]. He's a tough cover." And Brown makes no bones about his strategy against the left-handed Odom: Make him go to the right and keep him away from the rim. "The guy has some skills out there on that perimeter," Brown said. "He knows what I'm trying to do. It's the third game. He knows what our defensive philosophy is. We want to make him go to his right, then we go up and contest his shot and not let him get to the basket." PLAYING IN PAIN At this point, with no relief in sight for his sprained left ankle, Hornets guard Baron Davis has resigned himself to playing in pain. And that means making adjustments in terms of what he can and can't do. "I'm surprised I dunked in the first half [on Saturday]," Davis said. "But then again, that was the first half and I hadn't banged my ankle yet. I knew somebody was going to hit me. You're not going to see too much explosion out of me. I just have to try to score the basketball but find different ways or avenues to the basket because I can't jump over anybody right now." Hornets coach Tim Floyd joked that Davis' ankle is actually improving. "In Game 1, he was playing on [one] leg," Floyd said. "[Saturday], he was playing on a leg and a half. We're making progress." HELLO, CARON It only took three games, but it seems Miami's Caron Butler -- averaging 18 points and 9.7 rebounds in the series -- officially has the Hornets' attention. "We have to start paying attention to him," Davis said. "The thing we have to do is limit his drives and force him to beat us from the outside. And when the shot goes up, put a body on him." --

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