Pelicans 板


原文網址 2001-02: Mash Unit In a year where Jamal Mashburn seemed poised for an All-Star berth and ready to guide the Hornets to the promised land, Mashburn and the team faced obstacle after obstacle both on and off the floor. Most notably on the floor was Mashburn's battle against a rare abdominal strain that forced him to miss 42 games. Mashburn's missed time was coupled with a total of 37 games missed at the beginning of the season by newly acquired George Lynch, who was the centerpiece of an October trade that sent Derrick Coleman to Philadelphia. The Hornets knew Lynch was injured when they completed the trade, but shortly after, it was discovered the pin inserted his broken left foot was too small and he required more surgery and more time to recover. 在這個Jamal Mashburn展現了他全明星身手的一年,他似乎將帶領黃蜂來到應許之地, 但是怪獸和黃蜂面對的是接連不斷而來,不斷是場內還是場外的阻礙.最明顯的就是 怪獸與他下腹部的扭傷的對抗,這使他缺陣了42場比賽.無獨有偶的,伴隨著怪獸缺陣 的是新加入的夥伴George Lynch.他是在十月份將Derrick Coleman交換到費城去 的交易之中換回來的中心球員.黃蜂在交易的時候就知道Lynch有傷在身,但在這之後 隨即發現固定在他受傷左腳的固定支架太小了,而他要求再一次的手術和更多的復原 時間. Off the floor, the team faced the distraction of the organization's efforts to move from Charlotte to New Orleans. With the future in doubt for most of the season, players and coaches faced a seemingly endless barrage of questions before the final approval to allow the move came on May 10, in the middle of the second round of the playoffs. 在場外,球隊面臨到使他們分心的大事:老闆似乎想將球隊從夏洛特轉移到紐奧良.面對 這未來極不確定的風雨飄搖時刻,球員與教練們承受著各界綿密不斷的疑問,直到事情 在5月10日獲得確認,這時正在季後賽的第二輪. Without its leading scorer, Baron Davis took charge and was able to hold the team around the .500 mark and in playoff positioning until Mashburn returned. The effort led to Davis being named as a reserve to the 2002 Eastern Conference All-Star team. 少了隊上得分的第一把交椅,小胖接掌了大局並且把球隊穩在5成左右,保留季後賽的競 爭力直到怪獸歸隊.小胖的貢獻也使他入選了明星賽東區的候補陣容. Mashburn eventually overcame his injury and returned on February 19, and from March 14-27, led the Hornets on a seven-game winning streak to put the team in the thick of the race for the fourth seed and home-court advantage, which it secured on the last day of the season. Mashburn was even named Eastern Conference Player of the Month for March when he averaged 21.7 points, 6.5 rebounds and 3.9 assists while shooting .403 (117-290) from the floor, .860 (74-86) from the free throw line and .500 (18-36) from three-point range. His selection marked the first time a Hornet had been named player of the month since Glen Rice in February of 1997. 怪獸最終終於克服了他的傷病而在2月19日歸隊,接著在3月14-27日之間帶領球隊打出一 波四連勝.也取得了季後賽第四順位的主場優勢,這優勢在季賽最後一天驚險守住.怪獸 也獲選為三月東區最有價值球員,平均21.7分6.5籃板和3.9助攻.命中率40.3%(117-290) 86.0%(74-86)的罰球命中率和50.0%的三分命中率(18-36).這也是黃蜂繼Glen Rice 在1997年2月獲此殊榮之後黃蜂再度有人獲選. With Mashburn playing some of the best basketball of his career and additional injuries to David Wesley and Elden Campbell behind them, the Hornets became the fashionable pick of many journalists to represent the Eastern Conference in the NBA Finals. However, the task became too great when only 10 minutes into the first playoff game, Mashburn was forced off the floor by a viral illness, not to be seen again for the rest of the season, as he eventually diagnosed with anemia, a B-12 deficiency, and finally, positional vertigo, all brought on by the virus. 在怪獸打出他生涯中最好的幾場球,加上David Wesley 和 Elden Campbell的受傷, 黃蜂變成了許多新聞工作者在季後賽所熱烈追逐的對象.但是好光景只持續了季後賽開 賽的10分鐘,怪獸就因為濾過性病毒的感染而嚴重到被迫下場休息,他這一季就再也沒有 回來了.他最後被診斷是貧血,一種缺乏B-12導致昏炫的症狀.都是由濾過性微生物引起的. As he did in the regular season, Baron Davis once again rallied the troops, leading them to a 3-1 first round win over the Orlando Magic. Davis averaged 25.0 points, 9.3 assists and 9.0 rebounds, including back-to-back triple-doubles on the road in Games 3 and 4 to close out the series. In doing so, he became just the fifth player in NBA Playoff history to record back-to-back triple doubles, joining Magic Johnson, Wilt Chamberlain, John Havlicek and Oscar Robertson. 就像他在正規賽季中所做的一樣,小胖再度重整激勵了蜂群們,以3-1打敗奧蘭多魔術 晉級.小胖平均25.0分9.3助攻和9.0籃板.包含了連續兩場的大三元,而且是在客場比 賽的第三四兩場.這也終結了這個系列戰.他也成為了NBA史上第五位連兩場季後賽大 三元的球員,前面四位為Magic Johnson, Wilt Chamberlain, John Havlicek 和 Oscar Robertson. Next up were the top-seeded New Jersey Nets, who delivered a balanced attack led by MVP-runner up Jason Kidd. The Hornets saw chances to win in every game of the series, but in the end, had trouble finishing in the fourth quarter and fell in five games, ending the 14-year era of the team in Charlotte. 接下來他們遇到的是盟主紐澤西籃網.由MVP級Jason Kidd帶領,全場跑動的平衡式進攻. 黃蜂在每一場都找到贏球的契機,但是往往在第四節崩盤,最後在五場之後敗下陣來,也 結束了球隊在夏洛特14年的生涯. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以上為黃蜂歷史 2001-2002 ^^~ 寫這篇特別感傷 ~"~ --

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