PathofExile 板

LINE 沒有很精準,語意到就好 Does completing one Crucible encounter show the entire weapon's tree? Or do we need to do multiple encounters to scout out the item's tree? 完成一次Crucible會不會揭示整個武器樹? 還是我們需要完成多次才能一步步的看到完整 天賦樹? You have to get enough experience to unlock the first node in order to view its entire tree. This could come from one encounter if you're able to handle a difficult one. 你需要獲得足夠經驗解鎖第一點才能看到整個天賦樹,如果你能應付夠困難的戰鬥是有 可能一次解鎖的 Does the rarity, quality and/or mods on a weapon influence its Crucible Tree? 稀有度、品質、詞綴等會影響天賦樹嗎? No, but the item level of the weapon matters. 不,但物品等級會影響 Does using currency on a weapon with a tree modify its tree in any way? i.e. will the tree change if I exalt slam my weapon, or if I Vaal Orb my weapon and it becomes corrupted with an undesirable outcome? 在武器上用通貨會改變天賦樹嗎? Using regular currency on your items does not affect their tree in any way. 不會 Can corrupted/mirrored/influenced/fractured/synthesized/enchanted/items with abyssal sockets have or gain a Crucible Tree? If they can, would the special mods they have from those mechanics affect the Crucible Tree in any way? i.e. would an Influenced item have access to passives only available to influenced item? 已汙染、已複製、勢力、破裂、追憶、附魔、有深淵洞的裝備可以獲得天賦樹嗎? 如果 可以,它們會以任何形式影響天賦樹嗎? They can have/gain a Crucible Tree, but they do not have special passives exclusive to them. 它們可以獲得天賦樹,但不會有專有的特殊天賦 Are there any passives only obtainable by merging Crucible Trees? 有任何天賦點是只能通過融合天賦樹獲得的嗎? Yes. 有 Are there limitations to merging Crucible Trees i.e. can I merge a Warstave with a Staff? 融合天賦樹有任何限制嗎? 比如我可以融合戰杖和長杖嗎? You can merge Warstaves with Staves, or say Sceptres with One-Hand Maces. But not say Staves with Two-hand Maces, or Sceptres with Wands. 你可以融合戰杖和長杖,或權杖和單手錘。但不能融合長杖和雙手錘或權杖和魔杖 If I craft ''Cannot Roll Attack Mods'' on my weapon, will that influence its Crucible tree when I complete its first Crucible encounter? 如果我在武器上無法骰攻擊詞綴工藝,在完成Crucible時會對天賦樹產生任何影響嗎? No. 不會 When an Awakener's Orb is applied and the recipient item has a Crucible tree, does the output item keep that tree? Or does it do something else? What about when an Awakener's Orb is applied and the recipient item has no Crucible tree, does the output item also have no tree, or does it take on the tree of the donor item? 覺醒玉??? The recipient item's tree is kept and the destroyed item's tree is lost forever. 受體裝備的天賦樹保留,被摧毀物品的天賦樹消失 What happens if I recombinate a weapon with a tree with a weapon without a tree in Standard? Is there a possibility the outcome preserves the tree? 重組器??? Trees are removed when recombinating. There is a warning prompt if you try to recombinate an item with a crucible tree 重組會移除天賦樹。當你重組有天賦樹的物品時會有警告提示 Will Imprinting a weapon before I complete its first Crucible encounter effectively give me another chance to get another tree if I don't like the first tree? 在揭露天賦前拓印可以重置天賦樹並獲得新的嗎? Yes, although it is best to imprint before you've added any crucible tree experience to the item 可以 Can I use a split beast or fractured fossil on a weapon to create two copies of the weapon with the same tree? 我可以用野獸或化石複製同樣的天賦樹嗎? Yes 可以 ------
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1F:推 drinkmywater: 大預言看得到吃不到的天賦海 04/05 10:02
2F:推 stkissstone: 天雷蜘蛛終於不是返還孤兒了 04/05 10:11
3F:推 ilohoo: 升級武器的天賦會留嗎?像是穿越xx之譚裂痕祝福神諭捲軸 04/05 11:01
4F:推 greattower: 拓印準備爆幹貴 04/05 11:22
5F:推 michaelfat19: 所以新產業是搞一把好天賦的基底開始化石分裂嗎== 04/05 11:23
6F:推 thbygn98: 不是很懂環狀發射,天雷一次一顆會怎麼環狀發射? 04/05 11:24
7F:→ stkissstone: 串多重後就環狀了 04/05 11:27
8F:推 yabeeboo: 那不串不就不會環狀 還是朝目標發射 白嫖返回嗎 04/05 12:18
9F:→ shane24156: 野獸挖礦發大財 弓也一堆人玩 精髓發大財 04/05 12:20
10F:推 gustavvv: 可以複製 04/05 12:35
11F:推 wxi: 不知道熔岩翻滾是否也有返回,有的話想玩 04/05 12:46
12F:推 YandereLove: 財富密碼是哪個 04/05 12:54
13F:推 gkkcast: 未玩先猜撕圖打聯盟機制發大財 04/06 09:27

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