PathofExile 板

LINE 3.20會在 4/4(二) 結束 這樣下一季應該是 4/8 ? 然後有說會有墊檔活動,現在活動情報來了 Weeks 1-4: Ruthless with Gold 被退隊的普蘭德斯意外統治了殘暴模式(X) 3/8 13:00 PST ~ 4/4 15:00 PDT 台灣時間應該是 3/9 5:00 ~ 4/5 6:00 規則 : In Ruthless with Gold, Monsters and chests drop Gold Coins, which can be used to buy items from vendors. All vendor prices throughout the game have been replaced by prices in Gold Coins. When you sell items to vendors, you receive Gold Coins rather than currency shards. Other Ruthless vendor recipes are unmodified. There may also be a few other uses for gold that we'll describe closer to the event's launch. Due to how many Gold Coins you find, they auto-pickup as you approach them. Gold Coins are itemised like Perandus Coins, and stack up to 5000 per inventory/stash space (50k in Currency Stash Wildcard Spaces). In a party, Gold Coins you pick up are shared between nearby party members. You can still find currency items, at regular Ruthless drop rates (i.e. not often). Gold Coins are dropped in addition to regular currency, meaning that in Ruthless with Gold, there is somewhat less item scarcity than full Ruthless. Sanctum is not enabled. Otherwise, base Ruthless rules apply 所有怪物和箱子都會掉落金幣 所有可購買物品都改成花費金幣 商店配方還在,除此以外所有賣給商人的東西都會變成金幣而不是通貨碎片 金幣或許還會有其他功能,日後會再補充 金幣會自動拾取(好耶) 金幣5000一疊,通貨倉中則是50000一疊(比照普蘭硬幣) 其他通貨仍會掉落,但是是殘暴模式掉落率 不過因為也會噴金幣,所以還是比一般殘暴模式好點 (廢話....) 沒有聖所 剩下比照殘暴模式 練到45等會送一個箱子 一樣有抽獎 ================================================================ Weeks 2-4: Asynchronous Group SSF Events 聽起來是消失許久的競賽,但是改成免費建立私人聯盟的形式 會看從你進入私人聯盟到達成目標所花的時間的競速比賽 而不是大家一起在某時間一起開跑 不是專家模式,不用擔心死亡,但本質是競速活動 所以死亡復活要等60秒 活動獎品是更多的圖騰柱(完) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Week 2: Friendly Fire Group SSF Event League Completion Criteria: Kill Act Ten Kitava Based on: Standard (Sanctum/Ruthless/Hardcore all disabled) Accounts Allowed in League: 5 Platforms: PC only Friendly Fire is enabled. Players can only deal damage when near two other players. This event requires you to team up with two-four other players and try to complete the campaign without killing each other too much. Note that with full friendly fire on, even your minions will attack your teammates. Be careful what skills you pick! The league account limit is set to 5 so that you can't have two teams of three progressing in parallel in the league to help each other out indirectly. 台灣時間 3/15 5:00 ~ 3/22 5:00 目標 : 殺死10章奇塔弗 限定標準模式 (沒有賽季內容) 最多5人一組 規則 : 玩家只有在附近有其他2名玩家的情況下才能造成傷害 (WTF.....SSF模式耶) 此活動要求你至少要跟2-4位其他玩家團體行動 且請注意不要殺了對方 (!?) 尤其你的朋友火力太強時,你的召喚物可能會攻擊他 請好好選擇你的技能 (常駐盜賊任務互打的狀態就是了...然後還有2名其他玩家的限制器) (感覺這模式可以來看實況主受苦受難(?)) -------------------------------------------------------------- Week 3: Krangled Passives Group SSF Event League Completion Criteria: Kill both Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds Based on: Standard (Sanctum/Ruthless/Hardcore all disabled) Accounts Allowed in League: 6 Voided - characters and items do not migrate back into Standard afterwards Start date: 2pm March 21st PDT End date: 2pm March 28th PDT Platforms: PC and Console The Passive Skill Tree and all Ascendancy Trees are jumbled. Minor passive skills, notables, keystones, minor ascendancy skills and major ascendancy skills have been internally scrambled within those categories (so a notable passive is still a notable passive, just a random one). All players have the same trees. You can only see properties of passive or Ascendancy skills that are adjacent to ones you have allocated. This event prompts some interesting strategies. Can your party work out what builds or Ascendancy choices are the best in this new crazy meta? Will you share that information with other players? Will you send some members ahead and then restart characters once there's a good build plan? On Console realms, which don't yet support Group SSF, this event will be run as a regular solo SSF event. 台灣時間 3/22 5:00 ~ 3/29 5:00 目標 : 殺死紅藍王 一樣限定標準 最多6人一組 結束會進入虛空 規則 : 你的天賦樹以及昇華天賦都被打亂(蛤) 大點中點小點全都各自洗牌換位置 大點跟大點洗,中點跟中點洗,以此類推 所以霸體位置可能變成先祖魂約 構成的+50血可能變成+1詛咒 (這段應該是這意思,英文超級爛....) 然後所有玩家的天賦樹會長一樣 (但是這是私人聯盟,所以有可能重建一個聯盟就會被洗牌一次) 另外,你只能看到你已經點的天賦的隔壁點是甚麼 剩下都會看不到,包含昇華天賦 (................) (最後一段似乎是表示這私人聯盟中一樣不能組隊,不太懂) --------------------------------------------------------- Week 4: "Polarity" Group SSF Event League Completion Criteria: Have three level 90 players in the same instance Based on: Standard (Sanctum/Ruthless/Hardcore all disabled) Accounts Allowed in League: 6 Start date: 2pm March 28th PDT End date: 3pm April 4th PDT Platforms: PC only 台灣時間3/29 5:00 ~ 4/4 6:00 目標 : 有3位90等玩家 一樣限定標準無賽季內容 人數上限6 規則 : 所有怪物與玩家都會隨機拿到 N極 或 S極 你只能對 跟你同極性的怪物 造成傷害 (星海2的單一抗性耶) 黃怪跟橘怪在生命值低時會交換極性 (還是那句話,這些都是SSF模式) .....老實說這些活動有出乎意料 不管會不會玩,都會想看實況XD --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 03/01/2023 15:23:53 ※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 03/01/2023 15:28:43
1F:推 wedman: 玩看看金幣那個 其他的就算了 03/01 15:46
2F:推 db486250: only金幣+1 03/01 15:57
3F:→ amsmsk: 抱團活動到底甚麼大便 03/01 16:21
4F:→ t90961248: 拿箱子 好耶 03/01 16:37
5F:推 albino1347: 金幣看起來不錯 但是看到殘暴 還是算了吧 03/01 16:48
6F:推 hanmas: 硬要推殘暴欸 03/01 16:48
7F:推 ChikanDesu: 糞 還要更糞 03/01 17:36
8F:→ chu630: 總算有點變化,但是很看起來糞...只有隨機天賦看起來有趣 03/01 17:55
9F:推 Silwez: 都是看實況主玩很有趣,但自己下場還是算了的規則 03/01 18:04
10F:→ stkissstone: 讓實況主當實驗品也不錯 03/01 18:16
11F:→ stkissstone: 自己下去就不用了 03/01 18:16
12F:→ a856445: 有點想玩普蘭德斯可是殘暴沒位移== 03/01 18:38
13F:推 RuinAngel: SSF 但必須抱團,這 TM 是啥鬼 03/01 18:48
14F:推 kimula01: 還是看實況就好了 03/01 19:09
15F:推 mavs07: 對啊實況應該有趣 03/01 19:21
16F:推 drinkmywater: 殘暴很硬欸 哭啊 03/01 21:00
17F:推 stkissstone: 看了一下大多有測試功能的味道 同時還能看實況主受苦 03/01 21:04
18F:推 MoneyBlue: 實況主m起來活動xddd 03/01 21:34
19F:推 cjwgary: 之前不知道到底是那張嘴說殘暴只是他們開發團隊個人的小 03/02 05:02
20F:→ cjwgary: 計畫 現在就直接推活動了 03/02 05:02
21F:推 zxcchiou: 殘暴模式是哪個正常人會想玩 自虐遊戲? 03/02 09:24
22F:推 amsmsk: 花時間玩殘暴幹嘛不玩D2 還能賺錢 認真= = 03/02 10:38
※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 03/02/2023 11:31:37
23F:推 ja2200: 殘暴模式,太狠了 03/02 11:43
24F:→ cguchen: 殘暴模式辦活動,這人會多嗎? 03/03 11:17
25F:推 MoneyBlue: 點ci用混沌傷似乎是最佳解 03/04 19:51

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