P_Management 板


世界排名第六的gps ic manufacturer vender: ublox在找 Product Manager ublox 是家瑞士公司 請大家把握機會喔 說不定可以去歐洲工作 http://www.u-blox.com/jobs/productmanager.html Product Manager Job Description Company u-blox is a fabless semiconductor positioning solutions provider for the automotive, mobile communications and infrastructure markets. u-blox develops chips and complete modules based on the global navigation satellite systems GPS and GALILEO. Founded in 1997 and headquartered in Switzerland, the u-blox group is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange and has offices in the USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. For more information, please visit www.u-blox.com. Job Title Product Manager Position The Product Manager is responsible for the product planning and execution throughout the product lifecycle, including: gathering and prioritizing product and customer requirements, defining the product vision, and working closely with engineering, sales, marketing and support to ensure revenue and customer satisfaction goals are met. The Product Manager's job also includes ensuring that the product supports the company's overall strategy and goals. Main Tasks: Define the product strategy and roadmap within the overall company strategy Deliver market and product requirements documents with prioritized features and corresponding justification Be an expert with respect to the competition Develop the core positioning and messaging for the product Develop sales tools and marketing collateral Cooperate with R&D and team work in product development projects Brief and train the sales force Profile Bachelor or Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Telecommunications with several years of experience in GPS, mobile communications or IC industry MBA or post-graduate training in business management or administration, e.g. MAS Experiences in product and project management Excellent communication, organization, and presentation skills Excellent problem solving and decision-making skills Demonstrated ability to work across cross-cultural, cross-geographical and multi-disciplinary teams Proficient in German and English Willingness to travel up to 25% of the time Our Offer u-blox is a young and dynamic team and maintains a modern and well-equipped work environment. We foster teamwork and individual development. We offer attractive employment conditions including advanced social benefits. Location Thalwil, Switzerland Start Date Immediately Contact Gabriela Gatti-Nicolet Are you interested? Please send your C.V. to the following address: [email protected] u-blox AG, Gabriela Gatti-Nicolet, Human Resources We are looking forward to receiving your application! -- TFCBTUJBO 如果你問我最想要什麼生日禮物 我最想要跟你談戀愛! --

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