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剛在科技版看到 那裡的消息真靈通 那我把新聞稿的內容大概SUMMARY一下 華碩和GARMINE 要在LBS 手機上推出聯合品牌了 (LBS = Location Based Service, 主要是透過GPS衛星和手機基地台來精準定位) 品牌名稱為 Garmin-Asus nuvifone 此系列的最新機型 將在2009/2/16~2/19 西班牙的巴塞隆納的世界手機展亮相 華碩和GARMINE 之前是以ODM的關係合作了一年 之後覺得應該有利可圖 決定化為正式聯盟 之前GARMINE舊的nuvifone手機 也將重新名為Garmin-Asus nuvifone G60 預計將在2009年前半年重新上市 Garmin-Asus nuvifone series的特色主要有 1.只在高階GARMINE導航機裡有的語音導航 2. 手機裡已有地圖和百萬筆著名地點的的地址 3. 可連上著名景點的網站 4. 關於當地店家的資訊會一直更新 5. 另外還有社交網路軟體Ciao! (不清楚是啥) 好像是可串聯所有已地點為主的社交網路在這臺手機上 新聞稿連結 http://garmin.blogs.com/pr/2009/02/garmin-and-asus-to-create-garminasus-line-of-cobranded-lbscentric-mobile-phones-.html GarminR and ASUSR to Create Garmin-Asus Line of Co–branded LBS-centric Mobile Phones Posted February 4, 2009 | 12:31 AM in Automotive/Mobile Garmin Ltd. (NASDAQ: GRMN) and ASUSTeK Computer Inc. (TAIEX: 2357) today announced a strategic alliance that will leverage the companies’ navigation and mobile telephony expertise to design, manufacture and distribute co-branded location-centric mobile phones. Garmin and ASUS have already begun joint development on a diverse mobile phone product line, which will be known as the Garmin-Asus nuvifone? series. The companies expect to bring to market several Garmin-Asus nuvifone models in 2009, and a new Garmin-Asus nuvifone model will be announced at the Mobile World Congress trade show in Barcelona, Spain, February 16-19, 2009. “We believe that converged devices are an emerging opportunity,” said Dr. Min Kao, chairman and CEO of Garmin Ltd. “ This alliance is advantageous to both companies because it allows us to combine our resources and establish a strong foundation from which we will innovate and introduce the world to the benefits of LBS-centric mobile phones. We’ve been working with ASUS for over one year on the initial nuvifone that was announced in 2008 on the basis of an ODM relationship. Learning from this experience, we concluded that by leveraging and combining our respective industry-leading areas of expertise at a higher level, we will be able not only to significantly expand our product line, but also to shorten our product development time. W e believe that through this strategic alliance we are uniquely positioned to deliver the world’s best integrated and most compelling GPS-enabled mobile devices.” “This alliance allows ASUS and Garmin to seamlessly combine the strengths of both companies to offer market leading mobile phone solutions that are of the best design and highest quality. ASUS and Garmin both believe strongly in the continuous investment of R&D resources to unfailingly provide leading-edge innovations to people and businesses,” said Jonney Shih, CEO of ASUSTeK Computer Inc. “Through this alliance, our companies will continue to develop innovations that simplify life. Our technologies should accommodate our customers, not the other way around. We believe all devices should perform and communicate seamlessly not just anytime and anyplace, but in real time, in real places, and we’re confident the nuvifone series will meet this objective.” All Garmin-Asus nuvifone devices will continue the product vision of the original nuvifone and will be LBS-centric devices that seamlessly connect, communicate and navigate. The original Garmin nuvifone that was announced in 2008 will be re-branded as the Garmin-Asus nuvifone G60. The Garmin-Asus nuvifone G60 is expected to be delivered in the first half of 2009, and additional information about the Garmin-Asus nuvifone G60 will be released at the Mobile World Congress trade show. LBS functionality is core to the Garmin-Asus nuvifone series, which will offer the same turn-by-turn, voice-prompted navigation features found on high-end Garmin portable navigation devices (PND). It has preloaded maps and millions of points of interest that allow drivers to quickly find a specific street address, establishment’s name or search for a destination by category. In addition, the nuvifone includes quick access to online points of interest through internet enabled local search. The nuvifone harnesses the power of the worldwide web and information about local merchants and attractions is continually updated. The nuvifone also features Ciao!?, a social networking application that bridges the gap between multiple location based social networks and integrates them seamlessly into one device. The Garmin-Asus alliance was disclosed during a press conference in Taiwan on February 4, 2009. Analysts or journalists unable to attend the Garmin-Asus announcement in Taiwan are invited to participate in a webcast or via phone on February 4, 2009, at 11:00 am EST (10:00 am CST). Webcast details are available at www.GarminAsus.com/pressroom. Garmin-Asus nuvifone models will be on display at the Garmin-Asus booth at the Mobile World Congress trade show in Barcelona, Spain, February 16-19, 2009 (7C37, hall 7). Journalists should contact the Garmin or Asus media contacts to arrange a live demonstration or interviews. Additional information is available at www.GarminAsus.com. ※ 編輯: yule1224 來自: (02/04 17:36) ※ 編輯: yule1224 來自: (02/04 17:45) ※ 編輯: yule1224 來自: (02/04 17:47) ※ 編輯: yule1224 來自: (02/04 17:47)
1F:→ yule1224:好強 連產品網站都做好了 02/04 17:52
2F:→ yule1224:http://www.garminasus.com/garminasus/cms/ 02/04 17:53
3F:→ yule1224:不過誰會花這錢買這臺呢 跟其他真的是大同小異 02/04 17:54
4F:→ yule1224:總覺得導航手機有點玩不下去的感覺 02/04 17:55
5F:推 lmanchu:覺得玩不下去的觀點為何呢?GPS可以衍伸出的服務還有很多 02/04 22:10
6F:→ yule1224:主要是有其他的替代品 跟車用gps比 螢幕又太小 02/04 22:15
7F:→ yule1224:不開車的 買這個也沒有用 02/04 22:16
8F:→ yule1224:除非他的定位可以再清楚些 02/04 22:19
9F:→ shihur:歐美一直在推一種救援的服務,可以利用手機發出GPS位址 02/04 22:22
10F:→ shihur:不過這個又跟隱私有關係,所以又有點麻煩 = =+ 02/04 22:22
11F:→ yule1224:這個主要是給小孩 老人 寵物或是車隊用的 02/04 22:37
12F:→ yule1224:為了規避手機所需的檢測 他上面只有幾組的快速撥號鍵 02/04 22:39
13F:→ yule1224:可以打給特定的人 02/04 22:39
14F:→ yule1224:但是他所用的sim卡 是一般手機的sim 卡 02/04 22:40
15F:→ yule1224:家人可以透過簡訊 或是網路去查尋 持有者的位置 02/04 22:41
16F:→ lmanchu:呵呵!這些都是"GPS衍生"的服務,還可以更多喔 02/05 07:10
17F:推 roadman:重點是耗電量問題...GPS導航一開螢幕一直亮著十分耗電.. 02/05 10:22
18F:→ roadman:手機續航力能解決的話..這塊應該就很有搞頭啦 02/05 10:22
19F:→ yule1224:的確是 如果GPS用在安全追蹤上 電池是個很重要的ISSUE 02/05 10:46

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