PHX-Suns 板

LINE LeBron James' second game was nearly as good as his first, but it still wasn't enough to get him his first NBA win. James大帝在NBA連續兩場都有傑出的表現,卻仍不足以為騎士隊拿下第一場勝利。 James flirted with a triple-double, but reigning got milk? Rookie of the Year Amare Stoudemire scored 25 points and grabbed eight rebounds to lead the Phoenix Suns to a 95-86 victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers. James雖有準大三元的表現,不過上季新人王Amare Stoudemire以25分8籃板的表現 率太陽隊以95比86打敗騎士隊。 "I was focused," Stoudemire said. "You know we needed to play and get a win, I just came out and played hard." Stoudemire說「我今天的目標很明確,我們今天必須贏球,我卯足全力幫球隊取得 勝利。」 The top overall pick in the 2003 draft, James collected 21 points, 12 rebounds and eight assists. He hit 8-of-17 shots from the field but missed 4-of-5 3-pointers and committed seven of the Cavaliers' 19 turnovers. 這一季的選秀狀元James有21分、12籃板及8助攻的表現。他投17中8,不過三分球卻 5投只中1,而且包辦騎士隊19次失誤中的7次。 "I know I'm going to lose one or two," James said. "So I'm not reflecting on how many we're going to lose, I'm reflecting on how good a team we can become." James說:「我知道我們總是會輸個幾場球,所以我不會去想我們到底會輸幾場球, 而是思考我們要如何變成強隊。」 Stoudemire was not as good from the field at 7-of-18 but made 11-of-14 free throws and blocked three shots. Stoudemire雖然全場投18只中7,不過14罰中進了11球,而且有三個火鍋的表現。 "LeBron is a special player," Suns coach Frank Johnson said. "His guys love playing with him because he just makes everyone around him better. Think about it, 21 points, 12 rebounds, eight assists and don't worry about the seven turnovers because that happens when you're a young guy and a lot of different things are thrown at you." 太陽隊總教練Frank Johnson說:「LeBron是個很特別的球員。他的隊友會很喜歡 跟他一起打球,因為他幫助隊友有更佳的表現。只要想想他21分、12籃板、8助攻的 表現,就不會太過在意那7次失誤。因為他現在這麼年輕卻得做這麼多事情。」 James had 25 points, nine assists, six rebounds and four steals in his NBA debut on Tuesday at Sacramento. James週二在對上國王隊的NBA首次出賽中得到25分、9助攻、6籃板和4抄截。 Stephon Marbury added 24 points, seven assists and five rebounds for Phoenix, which bounced back from a season-opening 83-82 loss at San Antonio. Shawn Marion contributed 15 points and 11 rebounds. Stephon Marbury有24分、7助攻和5籃板的表現,帶領太陽隊走出本季第一場比賽1分 敗給馬刺隊的陰霾。Shawn Marion也攻獻15分和11籃板。 Ricky Davis led Cleveland with 22 points and pulled down six rebounds. Carlos Boozer added 13 rebounds and 11 points while Zydrunas Ilgauskas scored 13 points. Ricky Davis得到全隊最高的22分,同時抓下6個籃板。Carlos Boozer也有13籃板和 11分的表現。而中鋒Zydrunas Ilgauskas也得到13分。 Cleveland's defense kept the game close. Phoenix shot just 20 percent (4-of-20) in the third quarter. Davis capitalized on eight consecutive misses by the Suns by hitting a 3-pointer and jumper to give Cleveland a 67-65 lead with 3:35 leftin the period. 騎士隊靠著他們的防守讓比數沒有被拉開。太陽隊在第三節命中率儘有2成 (投20中4)。Davis在太陽隊連8投不中的這段時間內投進1顆3分球及1顆2分球, 使得騎士隊在第三節結束前3分35秒時取得67比65的領先。 The Cavaliers outrebounded Phoenix, 52-43, and led, 73-72, after three quarters. But poor shooting and ballhandling contributed to a second straight loss. 騎士隊在籃板上以52比43取得優勢,並且在第三節結束後以73比72領先太陽隊1分。 但是接下來的命中率和球的掌控卻一團糟,因而吃下二連敗。 Cleveland grabbed a 75-74 lead with 8:53 to go on a dunk by Boozer. Phoenix went back in front seconds later on a jumper by Marion, who missed the ensuing free throw. But Stoudemire had six points during a 10-3 run that stretchd the Suns'lead to 84-74 with 6 1/2minutes to play. 騎士隊在第四節剩下8分53秒時靠Boozer的灌籃取得1分領先。不過隨後Marion馬上 跳投得分再奪回領先優勢,但是Marion加罰沒進。不過太陽打出一波10比3的攻勢, 讓比數變為84比74,Stoudemire在這波攻勢中貢獻6分。 "We didn't execute down the stretch," Cavaliers coach Paul Silas said. "That's a disappointing thing. The last two ballgames, we have to find a way to win ballgames. We are just giving games away." 騎士隊總教練Paul Silas說:「我們沒辦法堅持到最後,實在很讓人失望。 我們必須找出贏球的方法。我們一直無法守成。」 "We're a young team," James added. "I don't want to make excuses, but we have to learn how to tough it out during the stretch." James也說:「我們是年輕的球隊。我不想找藉口,但我們真的要學會如何不在最後 關頭表現得這麼軟弱。」 James slammed down a highlight reel dunk with just under three minutes left in the second quarter to cut the deficit to 49-43. He beat Marion to the baseline and exploded with an unchallenged right-handed slam, getting his elbow over the rim. James在第二節結束前3分鐘以一記吸引全場目光的飛身灌籃將比數追到43比49。 James這一球在晃過Marion以後在無人防守的情況下來了一記石破天驚的飛身灌籃, 他飛行過程中手肘高度超過籃框。 But Phoenix outscored Cleveland, 23-18, to take a 53-49 halftime lead. 但是太陽隊在第二節比騎士隊多得5分,上半場結束時以53比49領先騎士隊。 First-round pick Zarko Cabarkapa stole the ball from Davis, then slammed over him to give Phoenix a 74-73 lead with 10:21 remaining. It was Cabarkapa's only basket in 12 minutes. 首輪新秀 Zarko Cabarkapa在第四節開賽1分39秒時從Davis手上抄到球,並表演一記 飛身灌籃,也讓太陽隊以74比73超前。這也是他這12分鐘內唯一投進的一球。 Stoudemire received a technical foul for arguing with Ilgauskas with 1:01 remaining. Stoudemire在比賽剩1分1秒時因為和Ilgauskas爭執而吃下一次技術犯規。 --
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