PHX-Suns 板


來源: The Phoenix Suns forgot about Anthony Carter until he made the shot that turned the San Antonio Spurs' shaky season opener into a success. 鳳凰城太陽隊一直到Anthony Carter投進致勝一球,幫助聖安東尼奧馬刺隊 辛苦的贏得這一季的開幕戰之後,才突然想起對手還有這一號人物。 Carter scored his first points of the fourth quarter on a layup with 28.4 seconds left as the defending champion Spurs rallied for an 83-82 victory over the Suns on Tuesday. Carter在第四節剩28.4秒時才第一次在該節得分,而這一投也幫助衛冕冠軍馬刺隊 逆轉贏得週二這一場對太陽隊的比賽。 Carter signed as a free agent with San Antonio in July and started in place of injured point guard Tony Parker, who is sidelined with a sprained left ankle. He made just four of his first 14 shots in his debut with the Spurs, prompting the Suns to leave him unguarded. Carter在七月時以自由球員的身份與馬刺隊簽約,並在今天取代左腳踝受傷的 控球後衛Tony Parker先發上陣。他在這一場首次代表馬刺隊出賽的比賽中, 前14次出手只投進4球,這使得太陽隊在最後防守時決定放掉他。 Phoenix paid for the decision when Carter, who had been 0-for-3 in the period, followed in Bruce Bowen's miss to give San Antonio an 83-82 lead. 太陽隊為這個決定付出了代價,因為在這節三投盡墨的Carter,在Bruce Bowen 投籃不進後投進一球,讓馬刺隊以83比82取得領先。 "The guys kept telling me to keep shooting, even when my shot wasn't falling," Carter said. "There's nights when you can't make a basket, but you can always make a big play." Carter說:「即使我投的球都掉不進籃框,隊友們還是一直跟我說繼續投就對了。 有的時候你就是無法讓球進框得分,但你總是有機會投進關鍵的一球。」 "He deserves a lot of credit," Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said. "He never hung his head, played the entire game." 馬刺隊教練Gregg Popovich說:「Carter是個非常值得信任的人,他整場比賽都很拼, 他那顆腦袋從不會因為累而低下去。」 The Suns missed three jumpers on their final possession and failed to avenge their first-round loss to the Spurs in the 2003 playoffs. 太陽隊在最後一次進攻機會中三次跳投不進,這也使得他們失去報上一季季後賽 第一輪敗給馬刺隊的一箭之仇。 All-Star guard Stephon Marbury, who hit a game-winning three-pointer in Game One against San Antonio last season, missed two jumpers in the final nine seconds. 上一季在季後賽第一輪第一場投進致勝三分球的明星後衛Stephon Marbury,在本場 比賽最後9秒鐘內兩次跳投不進。 "When Marbury got the ball with a few seconds to go, I thought 'Please don't let it go in,'" Spurs forward Malik Rose said. "The game played out well. It's the way we wanted to start the season." 馬刺隊的前鋒Malik Rose說:「當Marbury在最後幾秒拿到球時,我腦袋在想『不要進 不要進不要進』。這場比賽的結局很棒,我們就是想要這樣的開季。」 San Antonio's Tim Duncan had 24 points, 12 rebounds and six blocked shots as the Spurs rallied from a 15-point deficit. The Spurs raised their second NBA championship banner and received their rings prior to the game. 馬刺隊的Tim Duncan得24分,抓下12個籃板,並有6個火鍋,協助馬刺隊克服 15分的落後。馬刺隊在這場比賽開賽之前升起他們第二面NBA冠軍旗並領取冠軍戒指。 The Spurs were rusty, shooting just 43 percent (31-of-73) from the field and committing 20 turnovers. But they scored 18 points off 18 turnovers by the Suns and held Phoenix to 36 percent (30-of-83). 馬刺隊這場比賽沒有打出水準,全場命中率只有4成3(投73中31),且發生20次失誤。 但是他們利用Suns的18次失誤得到了18分,並讓太陽隊的命中率只有可憐的3成6 (投83中30)。 "It was a wonderful win for us," Popovich said. "(It) probably won't go down as one of the greatest played basketball games. We were discombobulated, but we hung tough for 48 minutes." Popovich說:「這場勝利對我們來說太棒了。這可能是最好看的球賽之一。雖然我們 打得亂七八糟,不過我們整場比賽都不放棄。」 "As the game wore on, we kind of learned a little bit what we needed to do," Duncan said. "I definitely think we stole one. We fought the whole way, and luckily it's a 48-minute game, not 46 or 42." Duncan說:「比賽結束後,我們大概了解到我們還缺少什麼。我真的認為我們偷到 一場勝利。我們整場比賽都打得很辛苦,很幸運的是一場比賽有48分鐘,不是46也 不是42。」 Marbury finished with 24 points, seven rebounds and six assists and Shawn Marion scored 20 points for the Suns, who got just 10 points and seven rebounds from reigning Rookie of the Year Amare Stoudemire. Marbury這場比賽得24分,抓下7個籃板,並有6次助攻。另外Shawn Marion也得了20分。 不過上一季的新人王Amare Stoudemire只貢獻10分、7籃板。 "He's got to understand that now they are looking to go after him," Phoenix coach Frank Johnson said of Stoudemire. "He's young and those things are going to hppen." 太陽隊教練Frank Johnson談到Stoudemire時表示:「他必須了解到現在對手會 特別關照他,他現在還年輕,這些鳥事還會再發生。」 Phoenix got off to a fast start, scoring 16 of the game's first 18 points, highlighted by nine from Marbury, who had 14 points on 6-of-8 shooting in the opening 12 minutes. 太陽隊有個很好的開局,包辦了這場比賽前18分中的16分,Marbury包辦其中9分, 他在第一節投8中6,得14分。 The Suns had their biggest lead at 25-10 after a jumper by Penny Hardaway with 90 seconds left in the first quarter. 太陽隊在第一節還剩1分半鐘時Penny Hardaway跳投進以後以25比10取得整場比賽最大的 領先差距。 Phoenix had a 28-19 lead after one period but managed only 14 points in the second quarter as San Antonio pulled within 42-38 at halftime. 太陽隊第一節以28比19領先,不過在第二節只得到14分。上半場結束時被馬刺隊追到 42比38,只領先4分。 The Spurs ended the third quarter with eight consecutive points, led by a pair of baskets from Rose, to pull within 68-67 entering the final period. They missed their first six shots of the fourth quarter and trailed, 77-71, with 5:49 remaining. 馬刺隊在第三節結束前由Rose帶領連得8分,把比數追近到67比68只差一分進入第四節。 馬刺隊第四節前六投皆落空,該節打到剩5分49秒時還以71比77落後。 Duncan buried a jumper and Manu Ginobili made a pair of free throws before Hedo Turkoglu sank an 18-footer to give the Spurs their first lead at 77-76 with 3:53 to play. Duncan接下來投進一球,接著Manu Ginobili兩罰俱中。Hedo Turkoglu再補上一記18呎 跳投,讓馬刺隊在比賽剩3分53秒時取得整場比賽第一次領先。 Phoenix struggled to get rebounds down the stretch as Stoudemire and center Jake Voskuhl each fouled out in the final 5 1/2 minutes. 太陽隊在最後5分半鐘Stoudemire和Jake Voskuhl相繼犯滿離場後在籃板球的爭奪上 出現很大的問題。 --
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