PHX-Suns 板


太陽釋出Jake Tsakalidis和Bo Outlaw 換回5呎10吋的後衛Brevin Knight 6呎11吋的前鋒Robert Archibald 以及7呎2吋的中鋒Cezary Trybanski 目前只有azcentral.com上面有這則消息 ESPN和NBA.com甚至太陽官網都還沒看到(不過灰熊官網已經看到了....-_-) 看到的第一個反應是:天啊 怎麼可能!! 換來的兩個長人我是都不熟啦 只不過送走的兩個....一個是防守靈魂 一個是一直被期待的主戰中鋒 難道老闆已經對big Jake失去耐心了嗎? (我很怕他被West弄成下一個歐肥之類的 那會哭死....) 另外這筆交易我個人覺得最大的問題是在Brevin Knight身上 我跟小飛鼠的一致反應是都有Barbosa了幹嘛還要他啊? 沒錯 也許我們是需要一個替補控球來穩住場面 甚至防止小手套養不起來 只不過我不認為Knight會是解答 何況今年FA的老將控球並不少 (筆者按:為什麼不順手把兩個板主心愛的Mike Miller騙來呢....><) 兩個長人部分....可能要別人來介紹了 Trybanski雖然有7呎2吋卻只有240磅(big Jake有290磅....-_-) Archibald則是6呎11吋250磅 只不過我的直覺是 我們的犯規部隊還不夠多嗎....-_- ※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: yushi (瓶子) 看板: NBA 標題: Suns and Grizzlies Make Five-Player Deal 時間: Wed Oct 1 10:13:25 2003 Suns and Grizzlies Make Five-Player Deal PHOENIX (AP) -- The Phoenix Suns on Tuesday acquired three players, including guard Brevin Knight, from the Memphis Grizzlies for forward Bo Outlaw and center Jake Tsakalidis. The Suns also got forward Robert Archibald and center Cezary Trybanski in the deal that Suns president Bryan Colangelo said will allow the team greater flexibility. Knight is a seven-year NBA veteran who averaged 3.9 points, 4.2 assists and 1.3 steals for Memphis last season. Archibald was selected by the Grizzlies in the second round of the 2002 draft and averaged 1.6 points and 1.4 rebounds in 12 games as a rookie. Trybanksi, also a rookie last season, averaged 0.9 points and 0.9 rebounds in 15 games. The 6-foot-8 Outlaw averaged 4.7 points and 4.6 rebounds in 80 games last season. Tsakalidis, a 7-2 center, averaged 4.9 points and 3.7 rebounds in 33 games. "We are certainly happy to acquire the experience, defensive skills and high energy of Bo Outlaw. In addition, we have an opportunity to add some real size and strength with Tsakalidis on our team," Grizzlies president Jerry West said in a statement. "We are losing three great people, but we needed additional size and strength in the middle, and this trade helps us reach our goal." Copyright 2003 Associated Press. All rights reserved. -- 太陽怎麼把大 Jake 跟 Outlaw 送走了呢? o_O 灰熊 ... 看起來即戰力補的比較多,那就加油吧。 --
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◆ From:
1F:→ ShawnMarion:怎麼可能....@@ 推 10/01
2F:→ yushi:等你們去挖新聞吧 推 10/01
3F:→ Stoudemire:騙人騙人騙人騙人騙人騙人騙人騙人騙人 推 10/01
4F:→ Bbokie:azcentral.com上已經有了,自己去找吧! 推 10/01
5F:→ yushi:我也很訝異太陽有需要這要做嗎? 推 10/01
6F:→ Stoudemire:那我打中鋒那我打中鋒那我打中鋒 推 10/01
7F:→ Stoudemire:Amare+Marion+JJ+Penny+Marbury... 推 10/01
8F:→ JAY049:真真的嗎~啊!!!!!!!!!!! 推 10/01
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From: ※ 編輯: ShawnMarion 來自: (10/01 12:08)
9F:→ kennykennyok:我不懂><...太令我失望的交易了! 推 10/01
10F:→ glen:可能是你們老闆喜歡名字長一點的XD 推 10/01
11F:→ kennykennyok:以後遇到Shaq誰來扛呢... 推 10/01
12F:→ Stoudemire:推心愛的Mike Miller 推 10/01
13F:→ Stoudemire:glen, 大傑克名字也很長啊… 推 10/01
14F:→ Me163b:希望會有下一波的交易 不然實在是... 推 10/01
15F:→ hardawayone:怎麼會這樣呢? 推 10/01
16F:→ JaCoByS:我不希望等戰績差的時候才說這季也在重整 推 10/01

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