無翻譯。 重點一:小歐跟哈寶寶情同手足,樂意看到他回來。 重點二:小歐覺得Bonzi比Peja更能融入團隊化學作用。 Wish list O'Neal hopes Pacers deal for Harrington or Wells Posted: Wednesday December 14, 2005 5:16PM; Updated: Wednesday December 14, 2005 5:28PM While the rest of the league is guessing what the Indiana Pacers will net in their ongoing attempts to trade Ron Artest, team captain and All-Star Jermaine O'Neal has made two suggestions -- one surprising, the other not -- to franchise president Donnie Walsh and GM Larry Bird. "I think the two guys that can really come in and help us right away are Bonzi Wells and Al Harrington," says O'Neal. Harrington is an obvious choice. He spent his initial six years with Indiana before requesting a trade that sent him to Atlanta last season for Stephen Jackson. O'Neal thinks he would be ready to come back. "I've talked to Al, " says O'Neal. "He's probably the closest friend in the league that I have. He's almost like a brother to me. We talk all the time. "As a player you don't want to talk too much about it. We understand that he's a very loyal guy, that he's a Hawk right now and his state of mind is to improve the Hawks. But he does understand that if a trade does come up and he does have to come back that it would be a good situation for him. It's more a fairy tale until it actually happens." But O'Neal maintains that factors more than friendship are behind his suggestion. "He's familiar with the program, he knows what we like to do, " says O'Neal. "I told Larry and Donnie I really would like to get Al because he is a 6-foot-9 'four' (power forward), who's very strong, very quick, plays multiple positions. He's almost a version of Ron: not as good individually defensively, but offensively, he can put up bigger numbers immediately. He's shown that. "It would be a very adjustable situation, and a situation he could pick up quickly on." O'Neal believes that Wells could also adjust quickly. "He can play the three, has a big body, fits into what we're doing, thinks defense, can score on anybody offensively," says O'Neal. "It's really those two guys." What makes Wells especially interesting is that most insiders have predicted that Indiana would prefer Wells' Sacramento teammate, Peja Stojakovic. "If Peja was brought to this team, we'd do what we can do to help him get into our style of play," says O'Neal. "Western Conference basketball is much different than Eastern Conference basketball. It's more of a slowdown pace. We don't run around, we don't do the fancy passes, we don't do any of that stuff. We don't have the space, especially with me being on the team. It gets real crowded, and guys help a lot against our team. "He's a big time shooter, but I think there would have to be an adjustment period for him defensively with our style of play." No matter what direction the Pacers move toward, O'Neal is clearly ready to move on. -- 只有抽菸,才能顯現出寂寞的味道,所以我戒菸了。 --

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1F:推 XDTZ:那就Al吧...Bonzi來還真不知道該放在哪... 12/15 14:03
2F:推 wies1ey:Bonzi也是搖擺人..234都可以打 12/15 14:27
3F:推 rahim1211:4號不行啦~雖然他籃板多 12/15 14:30
4F:推 wies1ey:XDXD 跟阿泰一樣..靠壯取勝 12/15 14:32
5F:推 XDTZ:3號也頗勉強 想想遇到PP.LBJ那連擋都免了... 12/15 14:33
6F:推 luke77222:以前Al在pacer時可是低位防守第二把交椅... 12/15 14:43
7F:推 wies1ey:那Al回家吧!! Pacers是很溫暖的.. 12/15 14:46
8F:→ Riolove:版子人氣上升時怎麼好像都不是因為好事 > < 12/15 14:59
9F:推 wies1ey:去年大亂鬥也蠻熱鬧的..還有米神最後一場比賽..囧 12/15 15:11
10F:推 XDTZ:米神?! 神米?! 12/15 15:22
11F:推 wies1ey:都一樣啦!!! 有神有米 XDXD 12/15 15:25
12F:推 millerh:原來米也有神....下次不能浪費食糧了 12/15 15:58
13F:推 f313:米神是農家祭拜用的嗎XDDDD 12/15 16:22
14F:→ f313:Foster-板神 Jones-灌神 Jackson-帥神 Artest-神經病(關電視) 12/15 16:23
15F:推 freijaking:樓上很好笑 XD 不過帥神........ 12/15 17:15
16F:推 larson:還是哈寶好,團隊氣氛最重要! 12/15 23:04
17F:→ Granger33:現在台面上的rumor都沒有好料..比方說湖人很想拿阿泰, 12/15 23:18
18F:→ Granger33:但是溜馬要拿Odom?門都沒有..Orz..Boston的Ainge也說阿 12/15 23:19
19F:→ Granger33:泰不符需求...大家都一副「頂多不交易 看你溜馬怎麼辦」 12/15 23:20
20F:→ Granger33:其他的GM都知道我們亟欲擺脫阿泰 籌碼很難好阿 12/15 23:21
21F:推 wies1ey:誰叫阿泰跟媒體放砲..交易籌碼瞬間少很多.. 12/15 23:29
22F:→ wies1ey:但大鳥跟華許也不是笨蛋..我相信會有好交易出現 12/15 23:30
23F:→ jyunwei:大不了不要丟 如果阿泰傷好搞不好會再打幾場 12/16 21:40
24F:→ jyunwei:我看他以前常亂來但是在場上都還是很認真 好啦我承認我捨ꐠ 12/16 21:40
25F:→ jyunwei:不得阿泰... 12/16 21:40

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