[恕刪] 實在很難,也很不願意理解這是什麼情形。 就像Walsh的困惑,想被交易是一回事, 自己口不擇言的放話就可以解決問題嗎? 我有點懷疑Ron是不是被媒體愚弄了, 沒事把底牌全掀給別人看,降低作為籌碼的價值, 樂了那些以製造話題為務的寫手,自己卻坐實天下人的非議。 一片罵聲啊。 雖然我寧願相信這只是他情緒控制差,又拙於表達的結果, 不過這結果以及隨之而來的衝擊令人難以接受。 也不是沒人肯幫他說話的, 剛剛到印城星報的討論區看,有位網友(foretaz)說得同情且合理: "first of all, he would be no different than anyone else on the team if he wanted a big contract... fact is hes grossly underpaid....and any of us would not always be happy if we were outperforming many while making less than most....i think this gets lost sometimes...we are always so quick to say he signed his contract and should sacrifice for his team....fact is there are 85 guys making more than him in the league...and that figure is only gonna grow substantially over the next 3 years....hes the 4th highest paid on the team....he rarely mentions anything about these things, but these things would have a way of bothering even the most stable of people... and saying hes got an agenda is just nonsense....there is noone that brings it nite in and nite out better than artest....JO has really impressed me the last 10 games or so....ron has done that his whole career, not just the last 10 games... and ill say it again...ron didnt say anything about carlisle that others havent said before...and every player in the locker room is probably thinking the same...jack has been complaining about touches....aj said that the coach holds the reins too tight most of the granted, the context which ron said them in, its not great....but then again, thats what u get with ron....hes just not a good communicator and prudent....he attempts to say exactly whats on his mind, though he doesnt always verbalize very well.... and he never keeps things to himself like he should... 他指出,每個人都想要一份好的契約,而Ron的確過於屈就了。 我們也許都把"為球隊而犧牲"想得太理所當然, 而要場上表現與JO平起平坐的Ron只能拿全隊第四的薪水。 由此觀之,Ron的求去是可以被同情的。 這篇文章也説道,對於卡帥系統的批評,Ron並不是第一個。 包括Jackson和Johnson都抱怨過類似的事, 大概也沒必要拿這來加罪於Ron。 相對於JO,我個人的確是對Ron比較偏心啦, Ron也許只是笨,話說不好又饒舌,兼被媒體利用; 不過既然他自己閒來找坑跳,想要為他開脫,恐怕已經無濟於事。 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 candicesm:他必須去證明他可以好好的當個球員 不是歌手 不是拳擊手 12/12 02:08
2F:→ candicesm:IQ EQ 都還必須被證明他可以當個領導者 12/12 02:09
3F:推 gargoyles:這篇中肯! 12/12 02:24
4F:推 Liang31:推 跟我想法一樣 感覺阿泰還是有點孩子氣 不過沒惡意꜠~"~ 12/12 12:09
5F:推 Frankaze:Billups拿球隊第五號的薪水...明年的薪水更低 12/12 15:34
6F:→ Frankaze:還輸給小米利... 12/12 15:35
7F:→ Frankaze:有時候不一定要高數據才能證明你的價值 12/12 15:35
8F:→ Frankaze:光是溜馬對騎士那一場比賽 阿泰的價值就超級大 12/12 15:35
9F:→ Frankaze:我喜歡活塞球員常說的一句話 只要努力打球 12/12 15:36
10F:→ Frankaze:該屬於你的合約 自然就會降臨... 12/12 15:36

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