Why Are Pacers Prone To Letdowns? Monday, Nov. 28, 2005 Conrad Brunner Q: After watching the Pacers this season, I have noticed a trend that is alarming. It seems as if the Pacers are winning big games and losing games that they should definitely win. I realize that the parity in the NBA is relative, but is there a better, deeper team in the NBA than the Pacers? And why do you think there is such a letdown in the games they should be winning? (From Kyle in Marion, Ind.) Kyle問到:看球到今天,我注意到一個值得警惕的趨勢。溜馬似乎贏        大賽輸小球。我知道NBA球隊只有相對強弱,沒有誰絕對        會贏,但是有比溜馬更有深度、更棒的球隊嗎?您對當贏        未贏的球賽有什麼看法? Before I move on to the answer, allow me to digress for a moment. The QOD feature has been missing in action for a few days because I've been dealing with a family matter of the highest priority. I appreciate your patience and, trust me, am very pleased to get back to this particular piece of daily by-play. A:在回覆問題之前,請各位容許我發表一個小聲明。因為我個人必須處理   相當重要的私事,導致QOD這幾天消失不見。對於各位的耐心等待我   相當感激,而且,請相信我非常開心能夠回到這裡。 You're absolutely right. This is an alarming trend that really makes it hard to get a grip on just what this team is going to become. Against teams at .500 or better, the Pacers are 6-1. Against losing teams, they're 2-3. That's both mystifying and maddening. Legitimate contenders take care of business on a routine basis. They don't allow struggling young teams like Charlotte and Atlanta to steal victories. They don't blow 14-point leads in the fourth quarter, as the Pacers did in Milwaukee. 你說的完全沒錯。這是個令人警惕的趨勢,而且讓人很難算得準這支球隊未來 的走向。在對上勝率高/等於五成的隊伍時,溜馬戰績6勝1負,面對正在連 敗的球隊時,戰績是2勝3敗。這令人相當困惑,也讓人抓狂。要想奪冠稱王 ,球隊必須拿出穩定的表現。想稱王,就不能讓重整中的年輕球隊,像是老鷹、 山貓偷偷贏球。想稱王,就不能在第四節把14分領先給花光光,而溜馬對上 公鹿時就是這樣打。 While their ability to deal with teams like Miami (twice), New Jersey, Cleveland and the Clippers is impressive, the luster of those victories has been tarnished by the repeated bad losses. What the Pacers seem to be missing is right in the mirror. The same extra motivation that fuels them against a premier opponent works against them in games with lesser teams. In those games, the opponent has every motivational advantage, knowing the value of a victory over the talented Pacers. And every time the Pacers lose one of those games, they give every other struggling foe one more reason to believe they can win when their turn arrives. 溜馬勝過強隊(熱火2勝、籃網、騎士、快艇各1勝)的光環被很糟糕的敗績 給玷汙..而溜馬不用到別處找解答,只需看看鏡子。那種「遇強鬥志強」的 特質在對上戰績不理想的球隊時反而成為絆腳石。反倒是不如溜馬的球隊們了 解「勝過溜馬」的價值,因此這些球隊士氣高、打球拼。每次溜馬輸給戰績 不如自己的球隊,他們就讓這些球隊多一分信心,讓他們更相信自己跟溜馬 下次交手不會有一面倒的情況,總有贏球的機會 Until they learn to take every opponent seriously, regardless of record, they will continue to frustrate themselves and their fans. A victory over the Bobcats, after all, counts just as much as a victory over the Heat. A loss, on the other hand, is doubly damaging. 不管對手的戰績為何,除非溜馬學會認真看待每個對手,他們會繼續找罪受, 也讓球迷失望。畢竟,對上山貓隊的一勝,跟對上熱火隊的一勝一樣算數, 而輸給山貓隊,卻是加倍的打擊。 --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: hsupohsiang 來自: (11/29 17:13)
1F:推 wies1ey:推阿!!!! 輸給弱隊真的很傷 11/29 17:16
2F:推 kevin0301:推最後一段 加倍的打擊!!!! (感謝翻譯唷 ^^) 11/29 18:19
3F:推 Liang31:我看成SOD.... 11/30 23:00

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