JASiKEVICIUS COULD PUSH TINSLEY 小葉將能鞭策小汀 Season Preview: The Point Guards 球季預覽: 控衛篇 By Conrad Brunner Oct. 24, 2005 出處: 翻譯:gonzdevour ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If things have come with relative ease for Jamaal Tinsley to this point in his career, they will no longer. 在控衛這個點上, 如果說小汀先前總是游刃有餘的話,那麼事情將不再那麼簡單。 Since being handed the starting job by Isiah Thomas as a rookie in 2001-02, Tinsley has been virtually unchallenged at the top of the depth chart. After enduring two seasons of injury problems for Tinsley, however, the Pacers made a major move at the position by signing Sarunas Jasikevicius. The addition of the European superstar makes point guard the deepest position on a deep roster and gives the team much-needed insurance against another Tinsley breakdown. 自從01~02年老湯將小汀這個新人拔擢為先發, 小汀在深度表榜首的地位,實際上是無可撼搖的。 然而,溜馬忍耐小汀的傷痛問題兩季之後, 終於在這個位置上作出重大變動---他們簽下了小葉。 歐洲天王的加入使得控衛成為名冊上最有深度的位置, 若小汀哪次又不行了,這也給了球隊一個非常重要的保險 When he's right, Tinsley is one of the best pure point guards in the game, playing as if on skates, finding passing lanes few others can see. A radically improved shooter, Tinsley has made 37.2 percent of his shots from the 3-point line the last two seasons after hitting 25.8 percent his first two. With the team's offense devastated by suspensions last season, he stepped forward as a scorer, averaging 15.4 overall and 19.1 in a 27-game span before suffering the foot injury that spoiled his year. Durability has become the major drawback. Tinsley has missed 72 games the past two seasons. 當小汀無傷無痛時,他是最棒的純控衛之一,(此處感謝hsupohsiang大的指正) 跑動如行雲流水,能找到絕妙的傳球路徑。 他也是個進步良多的射手。進NBA頭兩年僅有25.8%的三分命中率, 前兩季躍升為37.2%。因為禁賽使進攻端受影響的上一季, 他挺身而出成為得分手,總平均15.4分, 在腳傷毀了他的球季以前,連續二十七場比賽平均得分為19.1。 續戰力是他的主要問題。小汀過去兩個球季總共缺陣七十二場。 Coming off back-to-back EuroLeague championships, Jasikevicius has a very different skill set. Where Tinsley will swing for the fences with some of his decisions, Jasikevicius is much more fundamentally sound. Where defenses are willing to let Tinsley shoot from the perimeter, they will crowd Jasikevicius, a deadly long-range bomber. Where Tinsley is generally reserved in his on-court demeanor, Jasikevicius has a reputation for fiery emotions. 從歐洲冠軍盃的鏖戰中脫穎而出,小葉自有他的一套。 當小汀冒險揮大棒時,小葉會選擇穩紮穩打。 球迷會希望小汀從中距離取分,而歡呼著要小葉來一記致命的長程砲。 小汀總是保持在場上的風度,小葉的熱情則是出了名的。 Tinsley's biggest advantages, and they are formidable, are his NBA experience, knowledge of Coach Rick Carlisle's system and familiarity with teammates. Neither player is particularly adept at individual defense, though Tinsley is more advanced as a team defender. And both players are exceptionally competitive, which should make this a season-long battle to watch. 小汀最大的優勢在於他的NBA經驗,對卡帥系統的瞭解,以及與隊友的熟悉度。 雖然小汀的團隊防守強些,但這兩位在一對一防守上都不專門。 他們的鬥爭心很旺盛,這將會演變為長達整季的競賽。 Adding to the intrigue is the rock-solid presence of Anthony Johnson, whose contributions to last season's playoff push were immense. When Tinsley went down, Johnson stepped in, averaging 11.3 points and 6.3 assists while the team posted a 21-15 record with him as a starter. The best defender of the bunch, with good strength and long arms, Johnson is valuable because of his ability to match up with stronger guards like Dwyane Wade and Chauncey Billups. 會在這齣戲裡軋上一角的還有老強,他對去年的季後賽委實功不可沒。 小汀出狀況,老強就上場,平均11.3分與6.3助攻, 以他為先發時,有二十一勝十五敗的成績。 他是後衛群中防守最好的一位,擁有壯碩的身體和長手臂, 價值特別在於與強力後衛---如典韋與槍蜥---的捉對廝殺。 Eddie Gill is yet another veteran, but needs to show more than he did last season (3.7 points, 1.1 assists. .308 shooting in a career-high 73 games). That'll be difficult, considering that kind of opportunity for playing time isn't likely to recur. 吉兒也還不到昨日黃花的地步,他必須比上季做出更多的表現。 (3.7分,1.1助攻。在生涯新高的七十三場出賽中,有.308的三分命中率。) (*此處感謝fenson大的指正) 但這將會相當困難......因為像以前那樣多的上場機會已經不復可得了。 ---------- 有錯請不吝指正:) --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: gonzdevour 來自: (11/24 11:31)
1F:推 shinycc:推好文翻譯!! 11/24 12:24
2F:推 mygapawa:典偉XD 11/24 12:32
3F:推 hsupohsiang:翻得很順,好文喔。第三段When he is right我覺得是 11/24 13:43
4F:→ hsupohsiang:指「當他一切正常無傷無痛時」,當個參考囉。 11/24 13:44
※ 編輯: gonzdevour 來自: (11/24 15:56)
5F:→ gonzdevour:感謝,原文已修正。 11/24 15:57

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