Orl-Magic 板


LOS ANGELES (Ticker) -- The Los Angeles Clippers try for their first four-game winning streak in over 20 months on Saturday when they host the struggling Orlando Magic, who have lost eight consecutive games. 快艇隊試著在本週六在主場力抗目前已八連敗的魔術,以尋求他們近20個月來的四 連勝。 The Clippers have won three in a row after losing their first two games of the season to the Seattle SuperSonics in Japan. Their last four-game winning streak came from March 8-13, 2002. 在日本連輸超音速兩場後,快艇目前已經三連勝,他們上次享受四連勝的滋味,是 在2002年的三月八日至十三日間。(哇..一年多沒四連勝了..看來今天有機會) Los Angeles, which was one of the worst road teams in the NBA last season, has won two in a row away from home after a 104-98 victory over the Golden State Warriors on Friday. 快艇在去年的客場成績是聯盟中最糟的隊伍之一,在星期五打敗金州勇士隊後,客 場的勝績已經有兩場。 Chris Wilcox had a career-high 21 points and nine rebounds and Quentin Richards on added 19 and seven for the Clippers, who are averaging a league- leading 106 points per game. Wilcox拿下生涯最高的21分及九籃板,Q也獲得19分及七籃板幫助快艇力克勇士, 快艇隊目前全隊單場得分106分,是聯盟最高。 Los Angeles' Corey Maggette was held below 20 points for the first time this season as he totaled 15 and six assists. Maggette昨晚是他第一次本季得分低於20,而他昨晚僅添得15分及六助攻。 Orlando is winless in eight games since opening the season with a victory over the New York Knicks. 自從開幕賽打敗尼克後,魔術目前已經八連敗。 The Magic began a five-game road trip against the Western Conference with a 106-101 loss to the Denver Nuggets on Friday. Tracy McGrady scored an NBA season-high 51 points on 20-of-30 shooting for Orlando. He made 8-of-11 3- pointers and 3-of-3 free throws. 魔術開始五場西征,不過第一場就在丹佛101-106掛點,T-Mac在30次出手中,命 中20球,拿下聯盟本季新高的51分,他的三分球投11中八,罰球有罰三中三,百分 之百的命中率。 Tyronn Lue had 13 points seven assists and six rebounds and Drew Gooden scored 10 points before fouling out as the Magic lost for the second time in three road games this season. 魯蛋哥也有13分、7助攻及6籃板優異表現,豬骨蛋畢業前也有十分進帳。下面那一句 就不知道怎麼翻了 Orlando has not lost nine consecutive games since a franchise-record 17-game slide from December 4-January 7, 1992. 自從1992年的12月4號至1月7日的十七場狂敗後,魔術還沒有九連敗過。 The Magic have won 12 of their last 16 meetings with the Clippers. 在最近16場魔術與快艇的交手中,魔術很爭氣的贏了12場。 --- 第一次翻 翻的很差~~~ 有錯誤的地方 煩請大大指正 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 編輯: OrlandoMagic 來自: (11/16 02:56)
1F:→ fuyuji:助翻:而魔術輸掉本季三場客場中的兩場 推 11/16
2F:→ booth:卡狗很強很秋是不是 和麥一輪一樣都是他媽的巨大垃圾 糙 11/12 15:54

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