Orl-Magic 板


※ 引述《ranal (孤竹)》之銘言: : 2. Tracy McGrady  背部    傷勢拖延2年 :                   主力戰將,負傷依然上陣,缺席場次不多 :                   希望他能好好休息一陣子 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 你大概要失望了。:) --- T-Mac not about to rest By Tim Povtak | Sentinel Staff Writer Posted September 10, 2003 WINTER HAVEN -- Tracy McGrady said Tuesday that he expects no recurrence of the back problem that sidelined him briefly at the Olympic qualifying tournament in Puerto Rico two weeks ago. Judging by his schedule now, it's hard to doubt him. McGrady worked out Tuesday afternoon, served as an honorary official at a charity basketball game, attended a rap concert, then closed his night with shooting drills at Shaquille O'Neal's home basketball court. "I'm fine. I feel great," McGrady said after serving as the featured attraction at a fund-raising event at the All Saints Academy in Winter Haven, where his sister goes to school. "It [the back problem] was no big deal. I'm ready to go. My back is strong." The Orlando Magic will open training camp at Disney's Wide World of Sports at the end of the month. McGrady once again will be the centerpiece to their hopes for the season. Fresh from helping Team USA go unbeaten in the Olympic qualifying tournament, he said he will spend the next few weeks working on his conditioning. "I can't take it easy now. It's not in my blood to do that," he said. "I'm going hard every day. It's the only thing I know. I want to get stronger. I want to get better." McGrady missed three games with a sore back, yet still averaged 12.9 points per game. He was the Americans' leading scorer (14.5 ppg) in the first four games, but he hurt his back in Game 5 against the U.S. Virgin Islands. He returned for the final three games. He said he expects to play again next summer for the United States at the Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. "I just got a little taste of it [international play] this summer," he said. "But once we get to Athens, though, then it's the real thing. That's what I'm looking forward to." McGrady, 24, started having back problems two seasons ago late in the regular season, but he still played in 76 games. Last season he played in 75 games and led the NBA in scoring, averaging 32.1 points. He was greeted by a standing ovation at the All Saints Academy before throwing up the opening toss. He grew up in nearby Auburndale. His sister, mother and other family members were in attendance. He joked with players and fans during the game, attempting a half-court hook shot, then provided some advice to the students at halftime. "Don't spend all your time playing basketball," he told them. "Spend time getting a good education. Enjoy your high school years. Sometimes I wish I could go back." -- 我想說,少年仔... 留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒啊.... --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
◆ From:
1F:→ mightymouse:其實還年輕 沒必要太拼 推 09/12
2F:→ ranal:我是知道他不會要休息 不過有夢最美^^" 推218.167.109.186 09/12
3F:→ booth:卡特真他媽帶塞,魔術=靠類固醇打進冠軍賽的廢渣隊,去死死 11/12 15:32
4F:→ hong8376066:4:3魔術贏 賽隊囂張沒落魄的久 吃鱉ㄅ.... 05/24 20:49

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