Oceanography 板


我們將於今年10月6至8日在國立台灣海洋大學舉辦甲殼動物的休眠研究與應用&浮游動物 行為、生態與養殖國際研討會。   本會議特別邀請美國、法國、德國、義大利、泰國、印度、香港、西班牙、墨西哥、俄羅 斯等多位在甲殼動物的休眠研究與應用與浮游動物行為、生態與養殖領域首屈一指的知名 學者與會,敬邀國內相關領域研究學者及學生共同與會並發表研究成果及壁報展示,希望 透過此研討會的舉行,提供國內外海洋生物相關領域研究人員一個交流平台並與國外學者 進行國際交流,藉由與世界知名的研究人員之互動與討論,可達到學術交流之目的,會後 並將發行論文專刊(Hydrobiologia, SCI Journal),並歡迎與會人員投稿,誠摯邀請您共 襄盛舉。 詳請請參考:http://www.imb.ntou.edu.tw/ICODZ.htm 2009/10/06 Tuesday 08:00-09:00 Registration (Sing in and obtain Name Tag, a brochure of Conference Program, Lunch Coupon, and Souvenir) 09:00-09:30 Opening Session Opening Remarks by Dr. I-Chiu Liao(國立台灣海洋大學春輝講座教授) Group photos Chairperson Speaker Title 09:30-09:50 Dr. Victor R. Alekseev (Keynote lecture) Ecological and physiological peculiarities of invertebrate diapause: use for science and practice 09:50-10:10 Dr. Vladimir N. Sychev Space investigations of possible components of biological life support system 10:10-10:30 Dr. Jiang-Shiou Hwang Role of Diapause in Dispersal of Aquatic Invertebrates: overcoming of geographical barriers 10:30-11:00 Tea Break 11:00-11:20 Dr. Dmitry Liudvigovich Lajus Phenotypic variation in newly established populations of invasive species: a case of three crustacean species from Russia 11:20-11:40 Dr. Hans-Uwe Dahms Plankton distribution at mesoscales – lessons from Oithona spp. (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) around Turtle Island, East China Sea 11:40-12:00 Natalia Sukhikh(Ph. D. Student) Molecular genetic and morphological study on E. affinis criptic species invasion in Baltic and Atlantic coast waters 12:00-12:20 Dr. Victor R. Alekseev Studying the Phenomenon of Dormancy: Why it is Important for Space Exploration 12:20-13:40 Lunch 13:40-14:00 Dr Benni Winding Hansen From copepod life strategies to practical application in aquaculture 14:00-14:20 Dr. Wen-Been Chang Fatty acid composition of copepods fed with different diets 14:20-14:40 Dr. V. Ramasubramanian Bioenrichment of Live feeds available in India 14:40-15:00 Dr. Hong Young Yan Energy budget of a harpacticoid and its applications in fish culture 15:00-15:30 Tea Break 15:30-15:50 Dr. Wann-Nian Tzeng The timing of metamorphosis is a key factor in determining the larval dispersal of giant mottled eel Anguilla marmorata in the Northwest Pacific 15:50-16:10 Dr. Ram Kumar Direct observation of the predation behavior of a cyclopoid copepod preying on larval (fish, Artemia and mosquito larvae) prey under different biotic and abiotic conditions 16:10-16:30 Dr. K. Murugan Use of plant products and copepod for the control of Dengue vector , Aedes aegypti 16:30-16:50 Dr. Shih-Hui Hsiao The trace metal contents in body and egg sacs of copepod (Euchaeta concinna) in waters off the China coast 2009/10/07 Wednesday 08:30-09:00 Registration (sign in & Receive Lunch Coupon) 09:00-09:20 Dr. J. Rudi Strickler Escape in time and space 09:20-09:40 Dr. François G. Schmitt Copepod trajectories: random walk, Levy walk, multifractal random walk? Assessment and review 09:40-10:00 Dr. Jonh H. Costello Hydrodynamic cascades in feeding by medusae 10:00-10:20 Dr. Enric Saiz Sendros From the small picture to the large picture: patterns in marine copepod feeding 10:20-11:00 Tea Break 11:00-11:20 Dr. Adrianna Ianora Chemical ecology of diatom secondary metabolites and their role in shaping planktonic interactions 11:20-11:40 Dr. Chong-Kim Wong Changes in Planktonic Copepod Community in a semi-enclosed bay during recovery from eutrophication 11:40-12:00 Dr. Sami Souissi Why the estuarine copepod Eurytemora affinis is a good candidate for developing a bioindicator of water quality? 12:00-12:20 Dr. Albert Calbet The importance of functional diversity on the trophic role of microzooplankton in marine food webs 12:20-13:40 Lunch 13:40-14:00 Dr. Chih-hao Hsieh Size spectrum is critically affected by omnivorous and detritivorous feeding in planktonic foodwebs 14:00-14:20 Dr. Rung-Tsung Chen Diurnal and seasonal upstream migratory patterns of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium) juveniles in the Hsiukuluan River 14:20-14:40 Dr. Shiang-Lin Huang Estimating the fitness: eggs production per hatching in fairy shrimp, Branchinella kugenaemensis 14:40-15:00 Dr. Samba Ka Effects of water masses and seasonality on mesozooplankton assemblages in the boundary waters between the East China Sea and the Taiwan Strait 15:00-15:30 Tea Break 15:30-15:50 Dr. Li-Chun Tseng A long-term pattern of the copepod community structure and succession in the coastal waters adjacent to Nuclear power plants in the Southern East China Sea north of Taiwan 15:50-16:10 Dr. Pei-Kai Hsu Effects of typhoon on hydrograpy and copepod assemblages in the waters of surrounding Taiwan 16:10-16:30 Dr. Nai-Hsien Chao Milt and spermatophores cryopreservation for banking of male gametes in aquatic animals 16:30-16:50 Delphine Beyrend-Dur(Ph. D. Student) Seasonal and inter-annual variations of dominant calanoid copepods in the mesohaline zone of the subtropical Danshuei estuary (Taiwan) 2009/10/08 Thursday 08:30-09:00 Registration (sign in & Receive Lunch Coupon) 09:00-09:20 Dr. Arvind Kumar Spectrum of plankton abundance in certain lotic systems of Jharkhand, India 09:20-09:40 Dr. T. R. Rao Size does matter: the role of body size in the life and community structure of freshwater zooplankton 09:40-10:00 Dr. Karim Altaff Chlorine Toxicity to Copepods: Implications in the Context of Power Plant Entrainment 10:00-10:20 Dr. La-orsri Sanoamuang Cultures of fairy shrimps for commercial purpose in Thailand 10:20-11:00 Tea Break 11:00-11:20 Dr. Isabella Buttino Apoptosis to predict mortality in copepods: review and future perspectives 11:20-11:40 Dr. Irena V. Telesh Impact of the invasive fishhook water flea Cercopagis pengoi (ostroumov) on zooplankton of the baltic sea 11:40-12:00 Dr. Juan Carlos Molinero Zooplankton life histories in changing environments: The case of the Northern Mediterranean Sea 12:00-12:20 Dr. R. Ramanibai Ecological dynamics of some dominant copepod taxa in coastal habitats of TAMILNADU during last two decades 12:20-13:40 Lunch 13:40-14:00 Dr. I-Shiung Chen Planktonic larval community structure of gobioid fishes at the estuary of Lanyang River, Taiwan revealed by the employment of DNA barcoding 14:00-14:20 Dr. Hsing-Juh Lin Analysis of zooplankton changes after removal of oyster culture from a tropical lagoon using Ecopath with Ecosim 14:20-14:40 Dr. Shuh-Sen Young Systematic studies of Simocephalus (Cladocera: Daphniidae)from Taiwan by morphological and molecular analysis 14:40-15:00 Gael Dur(Ph. D. Student) Analysis of Eurytemora affinis swimming behaviour: Effect of Density, Volume and Light 15:00-15:30 Tea Break 15:30-15:50 Mohamed-Sofiane MAHJOUB (Ph. D. Student) Effect of turbulent flow on the ingestion rates of European sea-bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) post larvae: an experimental study 15:50-16:10 Anissa Souissi(Ph. D. Student) Effect of peritrich ciliates as epibiont on the behavior of the copepod Eurytemora affinis 16:10-16:30 François-Gaël Michalec (Ph. D. Student) Comparative study of the swimming behavior of two contrasted calanoid copepod species (Eurytemora affinis and Pseudodiaptomus annandalei) under different salinity conditions 16:30-17:00 Closing Session Conference Date:October 6-8, 2009 Conference Location:National Taiwan Ocean University(Auditorium1, 2 & Conference Room in administrative buildings) Conference Host:Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan Conference Sponsors:National Science Council, Minister of Education (R.O.C.)   --

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