Oasis 板


http://www.oasis411.com/news/2001/10-01.html 往下拉第 3 條新聞 OCT 30 - LIAM ON HIS BEST BEHAVIOR 幹又是另一件帥純白大雪衣咧^-^~ Last year's Q Awards ended in farce with Robbie Williams storming out after a bust-up with Liam Gallagher. But the loud-mouthed Oasis frontman behaved impeccably this year - bringing along girlfriend, former All Saint Nicole Appleton, the mother of his son Gene. Liam arrives at the 2001 Q Awards 幹嘛今年做個模範生啊;) Stepping into Liam's bad boy shoes, the elder statesman of punk, John Lydon, ^^^^^^^^^^^ arrived at the awards on a horse and cart and heckled the winners throughout. 哦哦哦也就是 Johnny Rotten,性手槍的主唱也出席了咧! Sporting orange and black hair and a trademark sneer, the former Sex Pistol was accompanied by his elderly father, John. 呵頭髮還是弄成那樣哦;) As he collected his Inspiration Award, he held the trophy aloft and said: "Who wants this, because it doesn't mean anything to me." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^嘿嘿果然不愧是龐克先軀 Nicole, who was joined by sister Natalie, wasn't surprised Liam behaved well during the ceremony. She said: "He is always a gentleman, but sometimes he just has a few moments." Meanwhile... JOURNALISTS tried - and failed - to get some friction going between the rock stars, who behaved with far too much decorum during the afternoon awards ceremony. Hacks hoped Damon Albarn and Liam Gallagher might have a go at each other, but it never happened. 哼!不懷好心眼的媒體,這次抓不到新聞了吧嘿嘿... So they turned their attentions to good old Travis. But since the Scots band ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^呵講得好像慈祥的老伯伯哦 used to support Oasis, Fran said of Liam: "We love him. Oasis and Travis go ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ back a long way." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^呵結果媒體也在這邊挖不到嫌隙;) And finally... ONE-TIME sworn enemies Liam Gallagher and Damon Albarn looked more like ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ best of pals. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^唉呦喂哦;) During the early stages of the proceedings, Liam was walking around swigging white wine from a bottle. But rather than chucking it at his Blur rival, he ended up chatting with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Damon quite amiably. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^嘿嘿^^ And since Damon has publicly invited Liam to sing on a future Gorillaz track, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 我個人覺得 Liam 絕不會去唱電音的東西哩,可惜... this it may have been the beginning of a beautiful friendship. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^呵也太美化了吧:p source: daily record Patsy "Gallagher" -- Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. 好朋友、好書,再加上昏昏欲睡的良心:這就是理想的人生。 --Mark Twain 馬克吐溫 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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