Oasis 板


Ananova review of the gig October 8 - posted by xander Oasis have been joined by Paul Weller to celebrate their 10th anniversary and kick off a series of intimate shows to mark the milestone. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 親切啊^-^~ Guitarist Noel Gallagher is an old friend of the former Jam singer and has often guested at his shows, so Weller gave his support by playing guitar on Champagne Supernova. 看來這首歌還有不少大牌來助陣過吉他部分呢;) Oasis - more used to arenas and stadiums - played to about 2,500 people at London's Shepherd's Bush Empire, launching six shows in smaller venues as an anniversary treat for fans. 哦總共容納二千五百人的一場演唱會。 The band also gave a gift to fans by playing three new songs as a taster to their fifth studio album due out next year. But it was not until the encores that guitarist Noel acknowledged the reason for the gathering. 唉呦頭子ㄍ一ㄣ到最後安可曲的時候才發表感言哩^-^~ "I suppose I should say thanks and all that, blah, blah, blah, for 10 years," he told cheering fans. ;) Appropriately as the UK and US launched the war on terrorism, singer Liam Gallagher donned his own combat gear by sporting a camouflage jacket. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 哦 Liam 穿著軍裝般的偽裝外套,筆者說頗能呼應近日開打的美英同盟的反恐怖戰爭。 As usual his inter-song words of wisdom were limited to a few incoherent mumbles. Instead he preferred to sway in front of the microphone stand and largely let the band's hits and classic album tracks speak for themselves. 一如往常 Liam 在曲目空檔都會說些耍小聰明的話,不過仍改不了含糊不清的自言自語;) 大部分的時候他還是靜靜站直在麥克風面前,讓整個團和經典歌曲代言。 They included Don't Look Back in Anger, Morning Glory, and Cigarettes and Alcohol. As they played another early single Live Forever, Liam's girlfriend, Nicole Appleton, and her sister Natalie, were singing along from the balcony overlooking the stage. 呵小妮和姊姊在 Liam 唱到 Live Forever 時,也從包廂上跟著一起唱哦;) Source: ananova Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- There is no end, no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life. 「沒有結束,沒有開始。只有永無止境的生活激情。」 --義大利電影大師費里尼(Federico Fellini) --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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