Oasis 板


是 Andy Bell 最近在接受 Dotmusic 專訪時透露的: Oasis to debut new material at gigs? Oasis are considering debuting material from their forthcoming new album at this month's low-key UK dates, dotmusic can exclusively reveal. According to bass player Andy Bell the Manc legends, who play six shows in the UK next week, have been rehearsing a number of tracks from the follow-up to 'Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants'. 整個團已經開始排練新專輯的歌囉 Bell, who was speaking to us as he and Mark Gardner promote the new Ride box-set, also confirmed that one of his tracks will appear on the new album. 也再次確認自己將會有一手心歌被收錄到這第 5 張綠洲專輯 Speaking of the fifth Oasis long-player, Bell said: "There's a fresh ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ approach to it. It sounds like a band playing, which puts it in line ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ with the first three albums. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 嗯還是滿肯定前三張專輯的嘛,也說了這張加入了新鮮的製作,更像樂團。 "The fourth album was a little bit more withdrawn from that band vibe but it's got that maturity to it as well, in the song writing, so I'd say it's got a little bit of everything in it." 哦也說到第四張是離 band vibe 比較遠的東西,不過有它寫歌的成熟度, Andy 形容像是把以往不同時期的 Oasis 各抓一點來入味。 Bell, whose contribution to the record is titled 'Thank You For The Good Times', told us how the band felt about showcasing the new recordings at the imminent gigs. "There's definitely a good chance we'll be doing new stuff", he explained. 有可能會藉此十年演唱會演奏演奏新東西哦;) "I think we'll definitely rehearse it - a couple of tracks at least - but I don't know whether it'll turn out. We'll have to see what sounds good and what fits in with the set. We always rehearse a lot more than we play. 哦 Andy 說還是要看到時候曲目編排的怎麼樣再決定吧, 反正整個團都會排練比正式演出多一點的東西吧。 "For the last tour with the Black Crowes, we rehearsed a lot more songs than we ended up doing and we always go with the plan of changing the set around and putting songs in, but then we just hit on a set which works really well and we stick to it." 呵談到上次和黑烏鴉合作的曲目調整和決定。 DOTMUSIC.COM Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- Thou shall use friends and little sister's Britney Spears and Nsync CDs as frisbees. 你們應當拿朋友以及姐妹們的布蘭妮/超級男孩 CD 來丟飛盤。 --NoelRock. 10 Commandments of Oasis --

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