Oasis 板


source: NME date: September 26th 2001 Q: You broke my heart with 'Be Here Now'. 你那張「全體集合!」傷了我的心知道嗎?(呵這個記者真可愛耶;) Noel: "Well, I don't know what people expected." 呃,我並不知道人們期待著什麼耶。 Q: Some more brilliance of course. 當然是一些更棒的歌啊。 Noel: "Well, I apologise". 好啦,我道歉嘛。 Q: Well good, because the spirit went. And the spirit was everything. 嗯好吧,因為某種精神好像消失了,而那精神代表著一切。 Liam: "What, like, with the music? With 'Be Here Now'? Oh yeah, completely!" 什麼,像是,音樂裡的神髓嗎?隨著 「全體集合!」消失了嗎? 哦對啊,完全正確。 Noel: "That was my fault." 是我的錯... Q: I listened to that album pished, stoned, tried it in the morning, in the night, on a hill…. trying to find the soul. 我曾試過在不耐煩的時候聽,喝醉嗑藥之後聽,或是在早上聽,晚上聽, 在山丘上聽等等等,想找出其中的靈魂。 Noel: "You should've tried it on nine grams of Charlie cos that's what it was written on. Well, everybody has a shit period and hopefully we've had ours. And this new album…..is fuckin mega! I'm not a fuckin drug addict any more. So it's not just 'Well, fuck it, that'll do', which is what 'Be Here Now' should have been called." 你應該試著在嗑了九公克的 Charlie (有沒有板友知道這是什麼毒品啊?)之後聽 因為這張專輯就是在這樣的狀態下寫出來的。嗯每個人都會有混亂的時期, 慶幸的是我們已經度過了。而這一張新專輯...真的是他媽的棒! 我不再是個他媽的毒蟲,所以有別於以往那種“唉,幹,這樣就可以了啦”的態度 也就是「全體集合!」當時真正應該被叫的名字。 Liam: Heh heh! You can't say anything until the album comes out. So you'll just have to fucking wait before you slag us off! And believe me, anyone who slags us off, I won't be arsed one bit. They'll write about someone else. I'm happy in my world. I'm rockin'. We haven't come to fucking ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ save the world, we've come to write a couple of tunes." 嘿嘿!在專輯真正問世之前你沒辦法多說什麼吧。所以你只能在批評糟蹋我們之前 耐心等待囉!而且相信我,即使任何人真的把我們寫爛批爛,我也毫不在意。 反正也會有別人遭殃的。在我的世界裡我很快樂。我仍在搖滾。 我們來到世上並不是要拯救全世界,我們只是來寫幾首歌囉。 Q: Can it ever be as much as a laugh again? 還能像剛出道的時候那樣的率性開心嗎? Liam: "Course it can. I love it, man! Wait 'til we go on this fooking little tour round England; I fooking can't wait. I'm on the bus, man. I'm gonna send me mam on holiday that week!" 當然可以啊。我愛死那種感覺了咧,老兄!等到我們開始英國他媽的小型演唱會 我他媽的等不及了。我就要上路囉,老兄。我會讓老媽在那個禮拜像渡假一樣! Q: You're still madferit aren't you? Liam (grins head off): "I'm fookin well madferit! I am totally! And I always will be." (呵這段不用翻大伙都了吧, I'm still madferit, too;) Liam, Noel and Oasis' current equilibrium has come about, says Liam, because of 'personal situations'; makes you happy, makes you sad. "I'm by far not as pissed off as I used to be". He's also less inclined "to be out getting wasted and just being a fooking rock star; four years ago I was just into being a madder". The incident with a photographer just after Gene was born is being "sorted as we speak. There's a line an' he stepped over it, definitely. I've got rights". He sees Lennon, his and Patsy's son, "all the time". It's Lennon's birthday tomorrow and he was out yesterday buying presents, getting the balloons in. "I'm happy with it, Patsy's happy, the kid's happy that's all that matters," he says. "We still speak, I don't hate her, the kid's the best thing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that's ever happened to me. The kid's y'knowhatimean? So everything's cool." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ He isn't, as has been reported, getting married to Nicole. "Not yet," he notes, "we'll see. I'd be fookin mad to be thinking about getting married; I've only just been divorced. But Nicole's fooking great; she's right up my street." Liam 表示目前無論是他自己,Noel,或是 Oasis 達到了一種平衡的狀態, 因為“個人情況”,有喜有悲。他同時也宣稱自己不像以前那麼衝,那麼沉迷於 糜爛的搖滾明星夜生活了。呵不過馬上被提起小金金出生時 Liam 在外頭揍了一個 攝影師的事件,他辯解到是那個傢伙越過了界,侵犯到他的底限,他絕對有權利做出反擊 Liam 也說他常常去看前妻 Pats 和小 Lennon,最近才去幫寶貝兒子挑生日禮物, 買汽球佈置呢!他表示很滿意現在和她們母子倆的關係,彼此都還是朋友, 而小 Lennon 則是他活到現在得到過最棒的東西。 至於目前正在交往的小妮,Liam 說他並不急著步入婚姻的墳場, 剛離婚不久的他,只想和他媽棒的小妮一起生活。 To be continued 待續... Patsy "Gallagher" -- Thou shall use friends and little sister's Britney Spears and Nsync CDs as frisbees. 你們應當拿朋友以及姐妹們的布蘭妮/超級男孩 CD 來丟飛盤。 --NoelRock. 10 Commandments of Oasis --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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