Oasis 板


嗯昨天在各大 Oasis 大站都有看到這則新聞 不 po 上來的原因是考慮到鄰板感受 我只想說一點 我會去把下期的 NME 買來把這整個訪問都看一遍 看看記者是問了什麼樣的問題孩子王才做這樣的回答 呵不過比起當年 Noel 被逼問了四十幾次對 Blur, 對 Damon 的感覺 而回答出愛滋病的事件 我想 Liam 這次大概只被問了十幾次吧:p 最後還是那句老話 要討厭 Oasis 就直接從音樂上討厭不屑 不要把媒體上的報導牽扯進來然後將那邊的印象和音樂混為一談 我們誰都沒目賭整個訪問的過程 所以對其中被記者“節錄”下的內容套句別人的話就都“看看笑笑就算” Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" ※ 引述《PatsyGallagh ("我已經五年沒訪客了")》之銘言: : ※ [本文轉錄自 Blur 看板] : 作者: sobek (The Shadow Knows...) 看板: Blur : 標題: OH BROTHER! : 時間: Tue Sep 25 13:55:16 2001 : OH BROTHER! : OASIS brothers LIAM and NOEL GALLAGHER have launched a volley : of assaults at everyone from EMINEM and GORILLAZ to POSH SPICE : VICTORIA BECKHAM, NME.COM can exclusively reveal. : In a review to be published in this week's NME - in shops in : London from tomorrow (September 25) and throughout the UK from : Wednesday (September 26) - the brothers re-ignite their old : feud with Blur frontman Damon Albarn. Of his new Gorillaz : project, Liam asks: "What's that nonsense that's on the radio? : It's like three-year-olds' music, worse than Steps. Whatever : happened to his beloved Blur?" Liam promised to "slap" the : "bald" Albarn the next time he sees him. : Noel took aim at Eminem, saying he watched him during his : festival closing-set in front of 60,000 fans at the Carling : Weekend in Reading and despaired. "I was looking at the 60,000 : people who were goin' mad thinking 'You lot don't half deserve : each other'. People set their standards too low in their idols : these days." Oasis had headlined the festival in 2000. : Liam then attacked Posh Spice, saying: "(Posh) can't even chew : chewing gum and walk in a straight line at the same time, let : alone write a book. Why is Posh Beckham writing a book of her : memoirs?" : Liam also said fatherhood - his girlfriend Nicole Appleton, : formerly of All Saints, gave birth to their son Gene during : the summer - was eating into hellraising time. : "There's too many things going on in our lives to be sittin' : around doing cocaine and drinking all day long," he said. : "There's nappies to be changed and I'm great at it. There's : trainers to be bought. And there's hair to be cut. And there's : winks to be winked. Y'know what I mean?" : http://www.nme.com/NME/External/News/News_Story/0,1004,43345,00.html -- Thou shall be the best! 你們應當要做就做最好的。 --NoelRock. 10 Commandments of Oasis --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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