Oasis 板


前 25 大的名單: THE TOP 25 1. Radiohead, OK Computer 2. Primal Scream, Screamadelica 3. Nirvana, Nevermind 4. Radiohead, The Bends 5. Oasis, What's The Story Morning Glory 6. REM, Automatic For The People 7. The Stone Roses, The Stone Roses 8. Massive Attack, Blue Lines 9. U2, Achtung Baby 10. Manic Street Preachers, The Holy Bible 11. Oasis, Definitely Maybe 12. U2, The Joshua Tree 13. Radiohead, Kid A 14. Jeff Buckley, Grace 15. Blur, Parklife 16. Manic Street Preachers, Everything Must Go 17. Travis, The Man Who 18. The Verve, Urban Hymns 19. Smashing Pumpkins, Mellon Collie... 20. Nirvana, In Utero 21. Coldplay, Parachutes 22. Prince, Sign o' The Times 23. Pulp, Different Class 24. Bob Dylan, Time Out Of Mind 25. Lauryn Hill, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill Radiohead top birthday chart in `Q' readers' poll RADIOHEAD, masters of the haunting soundscape and soul searching lyric, have topped a chart of the 50 best pop albums in a poll to mark the 15th birthday of Q, Britain's biggest-selling music magazine. The Oxford-based group appeared twice in the top five with their introspective brand of guitar music, seeing off many of the industry's traditional stars, who failed to register at all. Rock icons such as Paul McCartney, the Rolling Stones, David Bowie and Neil Young were all absent from the list but Radiohead's OK Computer and The Bends albums took first and fourth place. Also failing to secure a chart position were younger acts that dominate the charts in Britain and the US today. Robbie Williams and Michael Jackson were unsuccessful, as were Ocean Colour Scene, Suede and Supergrass, all acclaimed Brit pop bands. But Oasis came in fifth with What's the Story Morning Glory? Brits dominated with only five American albums making it on to the list of winners, voted on by the readers of Q. The full list will appear in the magazine, published on Friday to celebrate its 15th anniversary. John Harris, a former editor of Select magazine, said: "It isn't surprising a lot of those older names haven't appeared on the list. We're talking about a list that has been compiled from artists who have put out albums over the last 15 years. By 1986, all of those guys had reached their creative peak. Voters would only have had up to 300 albums to choose from. "The band [Radiohead] are completely original and innovative. It is impossible to nail down their influences and to me that is the hallmark of greatness." For Mr Harris, the only notable absence was an entry for the Happy Mondays, in particular their 1990 record Pills, Thrills and Bellyaches, which he says could have been a contender for the number one slot. Stuart Williams, Q's brand manager, said the magazine was well- respected in the music business. He said: "When we launched, no one really expected us to sell more than about 60,000 copies a month. It now sells more than 200,000." INDEPENDENT Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- 「或許我活在你的心中,是最好的地方;在那裡別人看不到我, 沒有人能鄙視我們的愛情。」 --葛麗泰嘉寶於“茶花女”一片最後的台詞 --

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