作者fddk (扭曲的藍月)
標題[情報] Voice <P.T.P×Taka from OOR> 歌詞
時間Fri Nov 15 00:39:55 2013
專輯 : gene
標題 : Voice
作詞 : Taka
製作 : Pay Money to my Pain,Taka
Through all of this noise
Chasing a shadow
Why looking for answers, just leaves a question?
Behind the notes
And outside the lines
What you left behind
What I feel inside
I hear your voice...
鳴り響いた 何かを知らすためのサイレン
(鳴響了 為了告知著什麼的警報聲)
ほら 今日のここにはまだ 気づかぬふりして歩く人
(看啊 在今天的這裡還有著 裝作沒發覺到的行人)
過ぎゆく時の中に 僕らは何を見つけだして
(在流逝的時光裡 我們能找出什麼)
Through all of this noise
Chasing a shadow
Why looking for answers, just leaves a question?
Behind the notes
And outside the lines
What you left behind
What I feel inside
I hear your voice...
鳴り終わる その音はその後もまだ僕らのカラダん中
(鳴聲息了 那聲音在那之後也還在我們的身體裡)
Through all of this noise
Chasing a shadow
Why looking for answers, just leaves a question?
Behind the notes
And outside the lines
What you left behind
What I feel inside
We are your voice
We are still with you
When you can't speak, with so much to say
More than a word
More than a melody
What you left behind
What I feel inside
I hear your voice...
Through all of this noise
Chasing a shadow
Why looking for answers, just leaves a question?
Behind the notes
And outside the lines
What you left behind
What I feel inside
We are your voice
We are still with you
When you can't speak, with so much to say
More than a word
More than a melody
What you left behind
What I feel inside
I hear your voice...
We're not alone
Through all of this noise
Chasing a shadow
Why looking for answers, just leaves a question?
Behind the notes
And outside the lines
What you left behind
What I feel inside
We are your voice
We are still with you
When you can't speak, with so much to say
More than a word
More than a melody
What you left behind
What I feel inside
I hear your voice...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
1F:推 x06qi:原來詞是TAKA寫的 難怪覺得跟K的感覺連不太上 感謝翻譯 11/15 02:22
※ 編輯: fddk 來自: (11/15 12:59)
2F:推 nobuwei:聽完感覺像是TAKA在對K唱 好感動 11/17 18:54
3F:推 nervousping:讚~越聽越有fu 11/20 17:19
4F:推 cpujerry:這首歌真的有Taka唱給K聽的感覺 11/26 12:55
5F:推 xing0730: 我好想念K 04/28 23:31