Nintendo 板

LINE Hi, I'm Greg, GameSpot's executive editor. These days, most games on store shelves aren't kid-friendly. Even those games rated E for "everyone" aren't necessarily meant for younger audiences. So, to aid those looking for gifts or recommendations for the newest generation of gamers, we've put together this constantly updated, concise listing of recent games suitable for kids. Just click on any game title for more info! 一份來自GameSpot 總編的推薦名單, 100款適合小朋友遊玩的遊戲 以下列出任系平台的遊戲:) rank title platform publisher score 01 The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker GC Nintendo 9.3 03 Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door GC Nintendo 9.2 04 Pikmin 2 GC Nintendo 9.2 05 Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga GBA Nintendo 9.2 06 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past GBA Nintendo 9.2 07 Nintendogs: Chihuahua and Friends DS Nintendo 9.1 08 Nintendogs: Dachshund and Friends DS Nintendo 9.1 09 Nintendogs: Labrador and Friends DS Nintendo 9.1 10 WarioWare Inc.: Mega MicroGame$ GBA Nintendo 9.1 11 Mario Power Tennis GC Nintendo 8.9 12 Fire Emblem GBA Nintendo 8.9 13 Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 GBA Nintendo 8.9 14 Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones GBA Nintendo 8.8 15 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 GBA Activision 8.8 17 Kirby: Canvas Curse DS Nintendo 8.6 18 Golden Sun: The Lost Age GBA Nintendo 8.6 19 Phantasy Star Collection GBA THQ 8.6 20 Mega Man Battle Network 3 White GBA Capcom 8.5 21 Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue GBA Capcom 8.5 22 Super Mario 64 DS DS Nintendo 8.4 24 Pokemon FireRed Version GBA Nintendo 8.4 25 Pokemon LeafGreen Version GBA Nintendo 8.4 26 Sonic Advance 3 GBA THQ 8.4 28 Donkey Kong Country 2 GBA Nintendo 8.3 29 Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour GC Nintendo 8.3 31 Kirby & the Amazing Mirror GBA Nintendo 8.2 33 Mario Golf: Advance Tour GBA Nintendo 8.2 34 Sonic Advance 2 GBA Sega 8.2 35 Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life GC Natsume 8.1 37 The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures GC Nintendo 8.1 38 Sonic Pinball Party GBA Sega 8.1 40 Pokemon Ruby Version GBA Nintendo 8.1 42 Pokemon Sapphire Version GBA Nintendo 8.1 43 Rayman 3 GBA Ubisoft 8.1 44 Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc GC Ubisoft 8.1 46 Car Battler Joe GBA Natsume 8.1 47 F-Zero GP Legend GBA Nintendo 8.0 49 Mario vs. Donkey Kong GBA Nintendo 8.0 50 Super Monkey Ball Jr. GBA THQ 8.0 53 Mario Kart: Double Dash!! GC Nintendo 7.9 54 Monster Truck Madness GBA THQ 7.9 55 Donkey Kong Country GBA Nintendo 7.9 57 Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land GBA Nintendo 7.9 61 Karnaaj Rally GBA Jaleco Entertainment 7.8 62 Lunar Legend GBA Ubisoft 7.8 65 Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage GBA VU Games 7.7 66 Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo GBA Capcom 7.7 67 Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town GBA Natsume 7.6 71 Worms Blast GC Ubisoft 7.6 72 Lego Star Wars GBA Eidos Interactive 7.5 75 Mario Pinball Land GBA Nintendo 7.5 76 Donkey Konga GC Nintendo 7.5 77 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban GBA EA Games 7.5 78 Worms 3D GC Acclaim 7.5 80 Sonic Heroes GC Sega 7.5 81 Crash Nitro Kart GC VU Games 7.5 84 Jazz Jackrabbit GBA Jaleco Entertainment 7.5 85 Disney Sports Basketball GBA Konami 7.5 87 Classic NES Series: Dr. Mario GBA Nintendo 7.4 90 Disney Sports Football GBA Konami 7.4 91 Contra Advance: The Alien Wars EX GBA Konami 7.4 92 Puyo Pop Fever DS Atlus Co. 7.3 99 Pokemon Colosseum GC Nintendo 7.3 100 Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure GC Activision 7.3 _____________________________________________________________________ NGC 平台 : 16款 GBA 平台 : 42款 NDS 平台 : 6款 , 共計任社平台共 64款入榜 ,其中 34款爲任社本家 -- ▄▄▄▄▄ ▆ ▆▄▄ ╰▊Gatchaman ▏ ▕∵∴∵ Gatchaman▊╯ ▊ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ ▏ ▕∵∴∴ˍˍˍˍˍ ▃▃▃▃ ▏ ▕ “” ══ ═●═●═▏ ▕ ═══════●═●═ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ --

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◆ From:
1F:推 rei196:風之律動不適合小朋友吧@?@ 我玩到快腦羞說....有夠難XD 04/26 17:28
2F:推 faang:是喔?這樣害我不敢玩了(才玩到要潛入魔獸島) 04/26 17:30
3F:推 NintendoFans:難的小朋友才適合玩, 想想當年輕鬆打的紅白機現在卻. 04/26 17:31
4F:推 faang:陽光馬利..其實也比忍者外傳難啊XD 04/26 17:33
5F:推 NintendoFans:會嗎??忍外我真的玩到腦羞, 玩到飛艇那死了十幾次... 04/26 17:35
6F:推 nella:持平的說,風之律動真的很簡單...... 04/26 17:38
7F:推 NintendoFans:哈, 我也覺得不難阿XDDD 棉大覺得哪難?? 04/26 17:39
8F:推 halken:FE怎麼會適合小朋友@@ 04/26 17:54
9F:→ yoseii:不會呀,我覺得風之律動很簡單 04/26 18:29
10F:→ yoseii:不過聖火降魔錄怎麼會適合小孩玩 04/26 18:29
11F:→ yoseii:風之律動畫面很可愛,而且解迷也不會很難,比時之笛簡單 04/26 18:29
12F:推 danadanad:風之律動我覺得難度降低了耶^^ 所以不太過癮 04/26 19:22
13F:推 rei196:我覺得要找路很難,沒辦法我是路癡~3D還要找路...難上加難@@ 04/26 23:10

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