Nintendo 板

LINE NES 01. 10-Yard Fight 02. Anticipation 03. Balloon Fight 04. Barker Bill's Trick Shooting 05. Baseball 06. Clu Clu Land 07. Dance Aerobics 08. Devil World 09. Doki Doki Panic 10. Donkey Kong 11. Donkey Kong 3 12. Donkey Kong Classics 13. Donkey Kong Jr. 14. Donkey Kong Jr. Math 15. Dr. Mario 16. Dragon Warrior 17. Duck Hunt 18. Excitebike 19. Famicom Wars 20. Final Fantasy 21. Fire Emblem Gaiden 22. Fire Emblem: Ankokuryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi 23. Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino and Hoppy 24. Golf 25. Gum Shoe 26. Gyromite 27. Hogan's Alley 28. Ice Climber 29. Ice Hockey 30. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 31. Kid Icarus 32. Kirby's Adventure 33. Kung Fu 34. Mach Rider 35. Mario Bros. 36. Mario Time Machine 37. Mario is Missing! 38. Mario:Fun with Letters 39. Mario:Fun with Numbers 40. Metroid 41. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! 42. Mother (Earthbound) 43. NES Open Golf 44. Nintendo World Cup 45. Nuts & Milk 46. Pin-Bot 47. Pinball 48. Play Action Football 49. Popeye 50. Pro Wrestling 51. Punch-Out!! 52. R.C. Pro-Am 53. Rad Racer 54. Rad Racer 2 55. Short Order/Eggsplode 56. Slalom 57. Snake Rattle & Roll 58. Soccer 59. Stack Up 60. Star Tropics 61. Super Mario Bros. 62. Super Mario Bros. 2 63. Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels 64. Super Mario Bros. 3 65. Super Spike V'Ball/World Cup Soccer 66. Super Team Games 67. Tennis 68. Tetris 69. Tetris 2 70. The Legend of Zelda 71. To The Earth 72. Track meet 73. Urban Champion 74. Volleyball 75. Wario's Woods 76. Wild Gunman 77. World Class Track Meet 78. World Cup Soccer 79. Wrecking Crew 80. Yoshi (Mario & Yoshi) 81. Yoshi's Cookie 82. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link 83. Zoda's Revenge: Star Tropics II Super-NES 84. Derby Stallion 98 85. Donkey Kong Country 86. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest 87. Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble 88. Earthbound 89. F-Zero 90. FX Fighter 91. Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo 92. Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu 93. Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 94. Hyper V-Ball 95. Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball 96. Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run 97. Killer Instinct 98. Kirby Super Star 99. Kirby's Avalanche 100. Kirby's Dream Course 101. Kirby's Dream Land 3 102. Kirby's Ghost Trap 103. Legend 104. Mario Paint 105. Mario and Wario 106. Mario's Early Years: Preschool Fun 107. Mario's Super Picross 108. Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge 109. NCAA Basketball 110. NHL Stanley Cup 111. Panel de Pon 112. Picross NP Vol. 8 113. PilotWings 114. Shigesato Itoi's No. 1 Bass Fishing 115. Sound Fantasy 116. Star Fox 117. Stunt Race FX 118. Super Famicom Wars 119. Super Mario Kart 120. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars 121. Super Mario World 122. Super Metroid 123. Super Punch-Out!! 124. Super Scope 6 125. Super Soccer 126. Super Soccer 2 127. Super Tennis 128. Tetris & Dr. Mario 129. Tetris Attack 130. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 131. Tinstar 132. Uniracers (Unirally, the game sucked bad you raced unicycles with no rider) 133. Winter Gold (FX Skiing) 134. World League Baseball 135. Yoshi's Island: Super Mario World 2 136. Yoshi's Safari Nintendo 64 137. 1080° Snowboarding 138. Animal Crossing 139. Banjo-Kazooie 140. Banjo-Tooie 141. Blast Corps 142. Bomberman 64 143. Bomberman Hero 144. Buggie Boogie 145. Cabbage 146. Catroots 147. Climber 148. Command & Conquer 149. Creator 150. Cruis'n USA 151. Cruis'n World 152. Cu-On-Pa 153. Custom Robo 154. Custom Robo V2 155. DD Sequencer 156. Dezaemon DD 157. Diddy Kong Racing 158. Donkey Kong 64 159. Doubutsu Banchou 160. Dr. Mario 64 161. Echo-Delta 162. Emperor of the Jungle 163. Excitebike 64 164. F-Zero X 165. Gendai Dai-Senryaku: Ultimate War 166. GoldenEye 007 167. Hey You, Pikachu! 168. Jack and the Beanstalk 169. Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest 170. Killer Instinct Gold 171. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards 172. Kirby's Air Ride 173. Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside 174. Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr 175. Mario Golf 176. Mario Kart 64 177. Mario Party 178. Mario Party 2 179. Mario Party 3 180. Mario Tennis 64 181. Mickey's Speedway USA 182. Mini Racers 183. Mischief Makers 184. Mysterious Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer 2 185. NBA Courtside 2: Featuring Kobe Bryant 186. Paper Mario 187. Perfect Dark 188. Pilotwings 64 189. Pokemon Puzzle League 190. Pokemon Snap 191. Pokemon Stadium 192. Pokemon Stadium 2 193. Pokemon Stadium: Gold, Silver, Crystal Version 194. Ridge Racer 64 195. Riqa 196. Shigesato Itoi's No. 1 Bass Fishing 197. Sin and Punishment: Successor to the Earth 198. Star Fox 64 199. Star Wars Episode I: Racer 200. Star Wars: Battle for Naboo 201. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire 202. StarCraft 64 203. Super Mario 64 204. Super Smash Bros. 205. Tetrisphere 206. The Legend of Zelda DD (Ura Zelda, Master Quest) 207. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 208. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 209. The New Tetris 210. Waialae Country Club: True Golf Classics 211. Wall Street DD 212. Wave Race 64 213. Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey 214. Yoshi's Story --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 WatanabeKen:終於可以好好享受錯過的n64遊戲了,太棒了 12/13 12:42
2F:推 PRSMUSE:請問有第三廠商的遊戲嗎? 12/13 13:56
3F:推 doll615:列表裡面不就有不少了 DQ跟FF都有阿 12/13 14:04
4F:推 danadanad:不過只有提到FC的DQ和FF 它是以這代表此系列作嗎?? 不然 12/13 14:16
5F:→ danadanad:怎麼只能下載一代的樣子@@ 12/13 14:17
6F:→ danadanad:整體來說幾乎都是任天堂本家 第三廠商還在討論吧@@ 12/13 14:17
7F:推 AgentWu:d ^,^ b 有穆裘拉的假面就夠了 12/13 14:26
8F:推 WatanabeKen:動物之森N64版也有在裡面= = 很像看看長什麼樣子 12/13 14:48

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