NewAge 板


co大推薦可以看情緒的驚人力量第一部分 最近開始看英文板的東東 開始將之前有印象的 把英文版找出來 我都是把他們列印出來 然後再慢慢看原文 目前正在讀的 齊瑞爾的 奇蹟課程 與神 有求必應 今天有靈感去找了 這一分原文資料 不過只有最前面的 就先分享給大家啦 中文翻譯在 情緒的驚人力量P.22 Abraham Welcomes Us All To Planet Earth So here you are, living your life in your wonderful body on this magnificent planet and while it is not the first day of your arrival here, we would like to welcome you to planet Earth. Since you have been here for a while, it may seem strange that we are now welcoming you, but we do so because we want to help you gain a new viewpoint of this lifetime, of your existence and of you! We have a clear view of you in your current life experience, but we also have the ability to step back and see you and your life in a much broader context than you can see it from your current perspective. It is our desire that our explanation of you, in its broader view, will assist you in realizing the perfection in this eternal plan of life. We know that your birth into your physical body seems as if it was the beginning of that which you are, but it was far from the beginning of you. It is a bit like your walking into a movie theater and feeling that your entry into this theater is the beginning of you. You might argue, from your physical point of view, that walking into a movie theater is far different from being born into your body as an infant, because when you enter the theater, you do not forget what happened before you entered. You remember who you were and what you were doing before you walked into the theater. You have a keen sense of continuity about "before" you walked into the theater as it relates to "being in" the theater and what "comes after" being in the theater. In other words, it does not feel to you as if a new life began for you when you entered the theater. But we are attempting to stretch your perception a little so that you can begin to realize that when you were born into the body, which you now refer to as "you," you were not "beginning" then, either. It is our desire to reawaken within you that broader sense of continuity as you start to remember who you were "before" you came into this body; and even more, it is our desire that you allow yourself to become that Broader Perspective, focused here and now, but remembering who-you-really-are and why you have come forth into this body. Also, you might say, "But unlike the day I was born, when I walked into the movie theater I was mature - I was able to speak and walk and feed myself." And while we certainly understand why your small size and physical immaturity makes it seem as if you were only then beginning, that is not the case. Your new body and new surroundings provide a new opportunity for a very wise and very old Being to continue to expand in new ways. As your Broader Perspective of who-you-really-are awakens within you, your appreciation of this life experience will be tremendously enhanced. As you look at life on planet Earth in this greater context, your fears will be diminished and your natural eagerness for life will explode within you. THE VALUE OF YOUR FAITH So here we stand, looking at you and your life in its broadest of contexts, attempting to explain it to you from where you now stand. But you cannot see "you" from our perspective... and, of course, when you do see yourself from our perspective, then our explanation will be unnecessary anyway. Here we are going to express our perspective of you and of us and how we relate to one another. We cannot impress our viewpoint upon you. However, as you read these words and ponder them fully in an attitude of faith or wanting to understand, together we will build enough bridges as you move through life, you will be able to understand and hold our viewpoint - not because our words will have been so powerful that they will have transformed you, but because the combination of the logic of our words and the unfolding of your own life will transform your faith or hope into knowing. And what a wonderful state of Being... to know, with absolute certainty, the existence of your Being and the reason for your existence and to have a full realization of all-that-you-are. And then, you can get on with what you came to do: live your eternally expanding life in joy! THIS GLORIOUS PLANET THRILLED YOU While the idea of coming forth into a new physical body on planet Earth was certainly not a new idea to you, it was an absolutely exhilarating idea, for from your Non-Physical perspective, prior to your physical birth, you understood all of the implications of this new birth. You understood the perfect and stable environment into which you would be born and you felt unbounded enthusiasm for its variety. What you felt most was the freedom and unlimited nature of this environment. The diverse beauty of the physical nature of your planet thrilled you as you anticipated your arrival, but you were also thrilled with the beauty of the diversity of the people and ideas that were waiting for you. At no point in your preparation for making your new entrance into this physical body did you feel concern about the perspective of the inhabitants of your planet. Not once did you feel a need to get here so that you could set them straight or show them the error of their ways or correct their course. You saw this planet as diverse, ever changing and perfect; and you came forth with an eagerness that defies verbal description. And because of the secure vantage point from which you were coming, you were not guarded or concerned about your entrance or about what would surround you once you got here. Instead, you knew that you had within you the resources not only to cope with your new environment, but also to mine it for the joyous expansion that you are eternally about. And so here you are - and while you did not just get here, everything that you have just read still holds true. It is our desire to restore your understanding to what it was just before you came forth into this body so that you can now experience this magnificent life experience in this wonderful body, on this glorious planet, in the way that you intended. So, dear friends, welcome to planet Earth. 這應該不用縮址吧XD -- 你是某個人正在等待的天使,好好愛自己。 --

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