NewAge 板


Finally, number six. Personal potential. We'll make this one short, although 最後(終於),第六點。個人的可能性。我們會讓這點短一點。 there will come a time when it is not short. 雖然它會花一點時間,這讓它不短。 Your DNA is changing. It is changing because of the magnetic influences that 你的DNA正在改變。它這在改變因為磁性的影響, are beginning to change around it. This is what we spoke of when we first 磁性正在開始上上下下的改變它。(不懂,徵求翻譯)這就是當我們一開始到來時我們說 came here. I call myself the magnetic master. It's is a three-dimensional, 過的。我叫我自己"磁性大師"。它是一個三次元的、線性的詞語用來吸引 linear term to get your attention to what's going on. My group moved the 你的注意力到發生的事情上。我的團體移動過(地球)磁場網柵因為你們允許它。 magnetic grid because you allowed for it. You really don't yet understand 你們真的還不明白 what Human consciousness does for this planet. Human consciousness is a 人類覺醒為這個星球所做的。人類覺性是一個要求 demand, an instruction set for those forces that are esoteric that surround 、一個命令這些圍繞這個星球的奧秘力量,的設定。(徵求更好的翻譯) this planet. It's backwards from what you think: There are those on the earth wondering 它與你想的相反:有些在地球上納悶神在幹麼的人, what God is doing, never understanding it's what they are doing. The personal 永遠不瞭解這是他們的所作所為。 potential of each Human is going to rise very significantly. Potential: The 這個每個地球人類個人的可能性,即將非常意義重大地升起。可能性是: promise of the manifestation of energy in the future. However, nothing 未來能量顯化(顯現)的承諾。(徵求更好的翻譯)然而,不會有什麼事情發生在你們 happens to you unless you ask for it. If you sit on the floor and there is 身上,除非你要求它。如果你坐在地板上然後 abundance in the other room, you have potential to be abundant. But if you 財富在另外一個房間裡,你有可能得到財富。但是如果你 never get up, you will die hungry and poor. You see? Nothing happens unless 從不起來,你會又窮又餓的死在那裡。你看到了嗎?除非你做些什麼 you do something. Yet when that person meets God, they often yell, "You said 不然什麼都不會發生。然而當一個人遇見神,他們通常會大叫: I was going to be abundant!" See what's happening? 「你說我即將會富有的!」 你看到底發生了什麼事? The ability to rewrite DNA, the ability to change your attributes that you 改寫DNA的能力,這項能改變你來到這裡時所帶的屬性的能力 came in with, the ability to "think above" the cellular level, the ability to ,這項的能力可以「從細胞之上思考」(徵求翻譯),這項能力 be able to claim pieces and parts of the Akash are all there. 可以要求一向在那兒的阿卡西紀錄的任何片段。 What this means is this: That which you were, which is part of your own 這意謂著這個:你過去是的,那你自身 在創造之穴 清透水晶的一部分, crystalline crystal in the Cave of Creation, can be mined [tapped]. It means 可以被挖掘提取[汲取]。它意味著 that you can go back and pick up the best parts of you within the system of 你可以回去並且 從這阿卡西系統之內 撿起你最好的一部分, the Akash, and it's about time. For that is what we see. We see you as an 而它是時候了。因為那就是我們看到的。我們看到你就像一整個人類弦帶(徵求翻譯) entire Human string - the core Higher-Self of all your lifetimes you've ever ---你曾活過的所有人生們的更高自我的核心。 lived. That's what we see when we look upon you. We don't see your life now. 那就是當我們看著你時,我們看到的。我們沒有看見你現在的人生, We see the old souls - who you've been and what you've learned. We know how 我們看到這古老的靈魂---你曾經作過的人和你曾學過的。 full your spiritual jar is, based upon all the things that you have ever 我們知道你的靈魂容器有多滿(徵求翻譯),基於你不曾研究過的所有你曾活過的人世 studied in all the lifetimes you've ever lived. That's what's in your DNA, 的所有事情。(徵求翻譯)那就是在你DNA之內的東西,親愛的。 dear one. That's what accessible - very accessible. 那就是可以被讀取的---非常好讀取。 When you start pushing on the door of your own spirituality, don't be 當你開始推開你自己的靈性的門,如果這門被推回來一下時,別太驚訝。 surprised when the door pushes back a little. To some, it's scary. It's part 對某些人來說,這很嚇人。 of the new way - a cooperation with God that even shouts that you're part of 它是新方式的一部分---一個與曾經大聲呼喊著的那個 神合作,而你是(合作)系統 the system. Oh, Human Being, you're not just a Human Being looking to God for 的一部分。(徵求翻譯) 歐,人類,你不只是一個 尋求神的幫助的 人類。 something. You are part of God! You are my partner in this, and always have 你是神的一部分!在這裡面你是我的夥伴,並且已經永遠都是了。 been. That has been the message of Kryon. That is the message of Kryon today. 那已經成為了克里昂的訊息。那就是克里昂今天的訊息。 More profound it becomes, and so more profound it is. 它越變成深奧,它就越深奧。(徵求更好的翻譯) Now we're about ready to leave. 現在我們準備要離開了 [Pause] 暫停 --

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