NewAge 板

LINE 原文文章(來自克里昂網站) 我粗略的翻譯克里昂這篇文的意思,不是很正確,因為有些單字句法我不懂 如果你有更好的翻譯修正,歡迎任何人回文更正我的翻譯 LIVE KRYON CHANNELLING 克里昂現場通訊(通靈) Current Events 目前的事件 This live channelling was Given in Asheville, North Carolina July 12, 2008 這是在Asheville, North Carolina給的一個通訊,七月(感謝fairy更正) 12, 2008 To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Asheville, North Carolina. 為了幫助讀者。這分通訊已經被 克里昂和李 重新通訊了。 並且加入了一些東西來讓他更清楚的被了解。因為通常在通靈現場會有一些能量在訊息 中。使它們帶著一些字頁無法提供的訊息。 請享受這分被加強的訊息。 Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. 安好,親愛的各位,我是磁性服務的克里昂。 Some will say, "It has come too quickly [the entrance of Kryon into Lee]. 有些人會說,「它來的太快了(指克里昂進入李) A Human Being should not be able to make the jump to the other side of the veil that fast." 一個人類不可能那麼快使自己跳躍到面紗(我想這是指物質幻象)的另一面。」 You don't realize that the new energy on this planet promotes a system that you don't understand yet. 你不瞭解這個行星的新能量已經被提升到一個你不瞭解的系統了。 It is not like the old days, you know? 它不像舊日時光,你知道嗎? This message represents a creator who wants to be found. 這個訊息代表一個想要被找到的創造者。 That is to say, when you take the hand of the Higher-Self, it does not let go. I live with this man [Lee] and he knows it. The Higher-Self is even part of the Kryon. This is difficult to explain, but so is yours! 這是說,當你牽著更高自我的手,它並未放手。我和這個人(李)住在一起,並且這個 人知道這點。這個更高自我甚至是克里昂的一部分。這是很難解釋的,但是你的也是如 此。 Dear Human Being, there are those here who say what's happening is not real. 親愛的人類,有些人說正在發生的這件事不是真的。 There are those here, who sit in the chairs, who say that this man speaking is pretending to channel. So let's get to it! 有些坐在這些椅子上的人說,這個在演講的人只是在假裝通靈。那麼,我們談這件事! In this space, I am creating energy, with your allowance, that is going to fill the space between your chairs with an energy soup that is the love of God. 在這個空間,我正在創造能量,隨著你的允許,這些能量湯會充滿這個在你椅子之間的空 空間。而這些能量湯是來自神的愛。 I'm inviting into this place, right now, all of those in the group who represent those you have loved and lost. 現在,我正在邀請所有代表,你們曾經愛的和失去的,到這個團體中。 In addition, those who were born before you, who you think you don't know, are here. 此外,那些比你早出生,那些你不認識的人,也在這裡。 And, in just a few minutes, the energy is going to shift in this place. 並且,就在幾分鐘之內,這個地方的能量將會被提昇。 Then I'll ask you if it's real. Then you'll realize that this is the voice from the other side of the veil with information that is being linearized for you through the man who sits in the chair. 然後我會問你這是否真的。那麼你會明白,這是來自面紗(應指物質幻象)另一面的聲音, 帶著訊息,然後正在被這個坐在椅子上的人,用三次元線性語言轉譯(線性化)。 It's all done through the process of what we call the love for humanity. It is all done so that you will hear things you should hear. Translating from nonlinear to linear - that is the definition of what a channeller does. 它完全經由我們稱為對人類的愛的過程而完成。它完全被做到了以便於你可以聽到 你正聽到的東西。從(四次元的)非線性到(三次元的)線性的轉譯---這是對一個通靈者 所作所為的定義。 來源: 好啦我翻到不行了為止 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
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1F:推 fairy:辛苦了~0.0~ 09/10 00:20
2F:推 chaos0807:可可亞不行了( ̄y▽ ̄) 09/10 00:25
※ 編輯: cozoo 來自: (09/11 18:33)

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