NetRumor 板


※ 引述《s9341097 (海蛇)》之銘言: : 女生們注意!!! : 56個女孩死了,因為使用Whisper,STAYFREE等 : 一片衛生巾墊了整整一天,因為使用在超墊的化學物質能使液體轉換成凝膠。它會導 : 致在膀胱與子宮癌。所以,請嘗試用棉花墊,如果您使用的是超墊,請每天至少在五 : 個小時內更換一片。 : 如果時間延長血液變成綠色,所形成的真菌會侵入子宮和身體裡面。 : 請不要害羞於轉載此消息給所有的女性和男性朋友,使他們能夠分享給他們關心的妻 : 子和朋友。 : 這是一個公共服務資訊 : 請毫不猶豫發送給你們關心的所有的女士朋友們。 : 這健康意識是很重要的。 : 祝福,永保安全和健康…… : ---- : 血變成綠色那是異形了吧?腦殘沒有極限啊…… 感謝pttcan版友提供流言破解,以下是不負責任翻譯,有翻錯還請糾正我。 流言的原文是: Attention Sisters!!! FORWARD AS U RECEIVE: 56 girls died because of using whisper, stayfree, etc. One Single pad for the whole day because of the chemical used in Ultra Napkins. Which converts liquid into gel. It causes cancer in bladder & uterus. So please try to use cotton made pads and if you are using ultra pads, Please change that with in 5 hours, per day, at least. If the time is prolonged the blood becomes green & the fungus formed gets inside the uterus & body. Please don't feel shy to forward this message to all girls and even boys so that they can share with their wives n friends, whom they care for. This is a public service msg from Tata Cancer Hospital. 然後下面是Snopes的回應。 This warning about the dangers of women wearing various brands of absorbent sanitary pads for more than five hours per day was circulated widely on the Internet in September 2013. Attributed to a "public service message" from the Tata Cancer Hospital, it warned that the extended use of certain types of sanitary napkins (e.g., Procter & Gamble's Whisper and Always Ultra, and McNeil's Stayfree) results in uterine and bladder cancer, and that 56 girls had died from such causes. Wearing a single pad of the types listed (rather than ordinary cotton pads) for more than five hours per day, it claimed, would turn one's blood "green" and cause a fungus to form "inside the uterus and body." 二零一三年九月,有一則警告女性每天切莫使用數種衛生棉超過五個小時的消息在網 路上廣泛地流傳。流言中說這則訊息是由塔塔癌症醫院所發布,這則消息指稱使用某 些牌子的衛生棉過久,包括寶僑的好自在、Always Ultra以及嬌生的Stayfree等,會 導致子宮癌及膀胱癌,並有五十六名女性因此死亡。這則訊息聲稱,使用上述這些牌 子的衛生棉超過五個小時不換的話,血液將會變成綠色,並致使真菌在子宮及身體內 形成。 There is a facility known as the Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai, India, but it professed neither knowing nor endorsing anything about the warnings and its claims. And although the extended wear of a single sanitary pad for a prolonged period of time might potentially cause some hygiene and health issues, we found nothing to substantiate the notion that simply wearing one pad per day (rather than changing pads every five hours or less) creates any serious medical concern, much less that it leads to uterine and bladder cancer, has turned anyone's blood green, or has caused the deaths of 56 young women. 印度的孟買確實是有一間叫做塔塔紀念醫院的設施,但該醫院宣稱他們並不知道這則 消息,也不承認這則消息的正確性。雖然使用同一塊衛生棉太久會造成一些衛生和健 康上的問題,但我們並未發現任何證據顯示一整天都不換衛生棉會產生更嚴重的後果 ,更遑論子宮癌和膀胱癌、讓人的血液變成綠色、或是導致五十六名女性死亡。 It is true that synthetic materials of the types used in some high-absorbency feminine sanitary products can trap heat and dampness, which may promote the growth of yeast and bacteria and (in rare cases) create the potential for toxic shock syndrome, but that issue is associated with the use of tampons rather than sanitary pads. 確實在極少數情況下,某些女性衛生用品當中能夠保持透氣乾爽的合成材料也許會促 進酵母或細菌的生長,進而產生中毒性休克綜合症,但是這是在使用衛生棉條的情況 下才有可能發生,而非衛生棉。 --

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1F:推 pttcan:推 用心! 可以投稿給追追追了 XD 11/09 22:58

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