NTUmed89 板


※ [本文轉錄自 NTUmed94 看板] 作者: BabyBoOsh (BabyBoOsh) 看板: NTUmed94 標題: [活動] 韓國亞醫paper 和 poster update 以及說明 時間: Sun Mar 4 00:16:22 2007 關於這次韓國亞醫,各種名額的分配在這裡補充說明 一般代表 不需負責paper 和poster。各校約分配到2-3人。甄選的標準和細則請仔細閱讀以上 文章。 Paper 做Paper的主要是根據這次韓國亞醫的主題—cancer做一15mins 的powerpoint presentation (包括Q&A)。對象是醫學生和醫學專業人士,內容詳見guideline. 由於全台灣已出現多於一組想做paper的情形,所以必須甄選。如果有興趣,請及早和我 們連絡。代表台灣做paper的享有獨立的保留名額。如果甄選上做paper的人數超過保留 名額,會直接佔用各校所分配到的一般代表名額。 Poster 製作poster並解說。對象是一般民眾,內容詳見guideline。全台灣僅有一組,同樣享有 保留名額。視情況決定需不需要甄選。如果有興趣,請及早和我們連絡。 十分抱歉,沒有交待清楚。如果還有什麼問題,歡迎和我連絡。 台大LC 庭毅 0922138172 (非上課時間) Asian Medical Students’ Association Korea 28th Asian Medical Students’ Conference Seoul, Korea Date: July 22~29, 2007 Organized by AMSA KOREA Guidelines for Paper Presentation I. Theme Cancer- as a Social Problem II. Objective 1. To understand cancer & society relationship 2. To enhance social efforts to manage cancer (in point of view of medical professionals) 3. To predict the significance of cancer in future III. Target Medical students and medical professionals IV. Contents 1. Provide general information & introduce the significance of cancer in your country 2. Explain several types of cancer which are considered important in your country – Explain the reason of importance in social & cultural aspects 3. Discuss in detail of the most significant cancer –historical background of the cancer & its change over time in your country 4. Propose solutions and suggestions to the current situation 5. (optional) Suggest roles of medical students V. Format 1. Style – Power Point 2. Length – 15 minutes per country (including 5 minutes for Q&A) *Every entries must turn in a copy of complete paper on the registration day. Academic Team of AMSC Organizing Committee Guidelines for Poster Presentation I. Theme Cancer- as a Social Problem II. Objective 1. To discuss social impact of cancer 2. To raise awareness about cancer 3. To think & suggest a way to prevent cancer III. Target General public IV. Contents Topic 1. Social aspects of cancer 1. Describe difficulties the families of cancer patients face 2. Describe social supporting systems (e.g. government funding, hospice system) 3. Explain insurance – its roles and limitations Topic 2. Prevention of cancer 1. Describe current situation of early diagnosis 2. Present possible risk factors in daily life & life style to reduce them 3. Introduce current public campaign to raise public awareness in your country 4. Report public recognition in your country (survey is strongly recommended) V. Format 1. Make one poster for each topic (if the number of delegates is less then 10, you can choose one topic) 2. size : 43.5 x 61.5 cm 3. A beam projector is not provided. Academic Team of AMSC Organizing Committee --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: BabyBoOsh:轉錄至看板 NTUmed95 03/04 00:16 BabyBoOsh:轉錄至看板 NTUmed93 03/04 00:16 BabyBoOsh:轉錄至看板 NTUmed92 03/04 00:17 BabyBoOsh:轉錄至看板 NTUmed91 03/04 00:17 BabyBoOsh:轉錄至看板 NTUmed90 03/04 00:17 BabyBoOsh:轉錄至看板 NTUmed90 03/04 00:17 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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