NTUmed89 板


※ [本文轉錄自 NTUmed91 看板] 作者: wesleylin1 (尋找 調整 再出發) 站內: NTUmed91 標題: [公告] 2005馬來西亞亞醫paper&poster presentation徵稿 時間: Sat Feb 19 12:32:55 2005 亞洲醫學生會議固定於每年暑假舉行 以亞洲各國和澳洲為會員國 目的在於學術專題的探討以及各國代表的交流 每年都會舉辦paper presentation 和 poster presentation 2005年舉辦地點: 馬來西亞 吉隆坡 時間: 7月24~31日 主題: Technology in Medicine fee: 300 US dollars 近期內會開始亞醫代表的報名 目前先徵求有意願參加paper presentation 和 poster presentation的同學 注意事項: 1. 參加presentation的同學必須參加本次亞醫,並可優先取得代表權 2. 有興趣同學請先仔細閱讀下面附上的guideline 3. 欲參加同學請於2/28前填妥下面附上的報名表寄至wesleylin1信箱 4. 欲參加同學請準備5min以內簡短的說明,於3/6例行會議上發表,並由各校LC選出適合的 代表人選,評審辦法將在3/6之前公佈 備註: 1.近日內開始亞醫代表的報名,台大應至少有三名以上名額 2.想進一步了解本次亞醫的同學,可查詢http://amsc05.org網站 3.台灣有意爭取2007年亞醫的主辦權,如有同學想參與主辦,請盡量參加本次會議,會有很大 幫助 4.如有任何相關問題歡迎詢問 AMSA-Taiwan 台大LC 醫三 林昭文 GUIDELINES FOR PAPER PRESENTATION THEME : TECHNOLOGY IN MEDICINE: EMBRACING THE PROGRESS, SERVING THE PEOPLE MAIN OBJECTIVE : 1. How we can maximise the potential of technology to serve the people? 2. How we can assimilate/integrate both clinical skills and technology to give the best health care service to the community? TARGET GROUP : Medical Students and Medical Professionals CONTENT OF PRESENTATION : A. General Information / Introduction to the medical technology in your country B. Specific discussion on a single technology - preferably local invention or innovation which is widely used and has a mass impact on the population C. Problems faced D. Solutions, suggestions and improvements ORAL PRESENTATION : Style: Power Point or Flash Duration : Oral Presentation: 10 mins Question and Answer (Q&A) session: 5 mins NOTE : 1. The technology discussed must be one that has a wide impact on society. 2. Each country should send ONE Paper Presentation. 3. An abstract for the Paper Presentation should be sent to us by 31st May 2005. 4. For more information, please contact our Programs Coordinator, Mr Ng Yoong Lin at [email protected]. GUIDELINES FOR POSTER PRESENTATION THEME : TECHNOLOGY IN MEDICINE: EMBRACING THE PROGRESS, SERVING THE PEOPLE MAIN OBJECTIVES : 1. To educate the public about a particular technology, 2. To attract and publicise the usage of a useful technology. TARGET GROUP : General Public MAIN CONTENT : 1. Technology that can be used to improve / eradicate certain major health problem in their country. 2. The technology does not need to coincide with the Paper Presentation. POSTER SIZE : 43.5cm X 61.5cm (portrait or landscape is acceptable) NOTE : 1. The posters will be put up for public viewing, therefore, posters must be interesting enough to capture attention and yet, easily understood by a non-Medical personnel. 2. Each country should send at least TWO posters. 3. You can send more than two posters. 4. An abstract for the poster presentation should be sent to us before 31st May 2005. 5. As your posters will be displayed during our community service, we hope you can make an extra 2 copies of each poster that you make for the competition. 5. For more information, please contact our Programs Coordinator, Mr Ng Yoong Lin at [email protected] 報名表: 1. 參加項目: □paper □poster 2. 學校: 3. 組員姓名與年級: 4. 經歷: 5. 主題: 6. 構想: PS:經歷是指曾經有參加過類似大會報告的經驗或是類似的比賽 --

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