NTUmed88 板


------> 只找到三份,正好三種不同題型。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 這是考古題的分隔線這是考古題的分隔線這是考古題的分隔線這是考古題的分隔線 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( D ) 44. For the inflammatory diseases of urinary bladder and urethra, choose the correct description(s): (a) Caruncle is an inflammatory tumor of the male urethra. (b) The characteristic inflammatory cells of interstitial cystitis are eosinophils. (c) Michaelis-Gutmann bodies are present in the Hunner's ulcer. (d) The antitumor drug cyclophosphamide may cause hemorrhagic cystitis. (A) a, b, c (B) a, c (C) b, d (D) d (E) all ( C ) 45. Which one(s) of the followings mainly reveal(s) the morphology of adenocarcinoma? (a) Schistosoma haematobium- associated urinary bladder cancer (b) cancer arising from an urachal cyst (c) urethral cancer (d) cancer associated with exstrophy of urinary bladder (A) a, b, c (B) a, c (C) b, d (D) d (E) all ( A ) 46. For transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder, choose the correct description(s): (a) It may be combined with the same tumor of ureter or renal pelvis. (b) High grade tumor may reveal aneuploid chromosomes. (c) The most important prognostic factors are its grading and staging. (d) Alteration of p53 gene is an early event of its tumorigenesis and often occurs in grade I tumor. (A) a, b, c (B) a, c (C) b, d (D) d (E) all ( D ) 47. For the various penile lesions, choose the correct description(s): (a) Hypospadia means urethral opening on the dorsal surface of the penis. (b) The lesion of Bowenoid papulosis may show the presence of E6 & E7 of HPV type 6 DNA. (c) Erythroplasia of Queyrat is one kind of carcinoma in situ and is often combined with another cancer of a visceral organ. (d) Lung metastasis is an uncommon event of penile cancer. (A) a, b, c (B) a, c (C) b, d (D) d (E) all ( D ) 48. For the non-tumor lesions of testis, choose the correct description(s): (a) Surgical correction of cryptorchidism may dramatically decrease the risk of subsequent testicular neoplasm. (b) Testicular torsion occurs after twisting of the spermatic cord and resultant arterial obstruction. (c) Tuberculous orchitis occurs prior to epididymitis. (d) Syphilitic gumma of the testis occurs prior to its epididymis involvement. (A) a, b, c (B) a, c (C) b, d (D) d (E) all ( C ) 49. Choose the most common malignant testicular tumor of the various age groups: 2 y/o 30 y/o 70 y/o (A) immature teratoma seminoma malignant lymphoma (B) malignant lymphoma yolk sac tumor seminoma (C) yolk sac tumor seminoma malignant lymphoma (D) yolk sac tumor immature teratoma malignant lymphoma (E) yolk sac tumor seminoma seminoma ( B ) 50. For testicular germ cell tumors, choose the correct description(s): (a) The biologic behavior of non-seminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCTs) is more aggressive than that of seminomas. (b) The most common site of lymphatic spread is inguinal lymph node. (c) The tumor marker for yolk sac tumor is alpha- fetoprotein (AFP). (d) The standard treatment for NSGCTs is radiotherapy; however, the most appropriate treatment for seminomas is chemotherapy. (A) a, b, c (B) a, c (C) b, d (D) d (E) all ( D ) 51. For prostatic adenocarcinoma, choose the correct description(s): (a) It is most commonly arising from the inner portion of the prostate. (b) In elderly men, osteolytic lesions in x-ray are almost diagnostic of bony metastasis of prostatic cancer. (c) The Gleason's grading system is based on the degree of atypia of the nuclei (eg. pleomorphism, presence of nucleoli), not concerning the architecture or growth pattern of the tumorous glands. (d) The glands lined by a single layer of epithelial cells are likely to be cancerous glands. (A) a, b, c (B) a, c (C) b, d (D) d (E) all ( B ) 52. For the tumor markers of prostatic cancer, choose the correct description(s): (a) The serum level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) may be slightly raised in the patients of benign prostatic hyperplasia. (b) The localized cancer may cause elevated levels of both PSA and prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP). (c) The level of PSA is proportional to the tumor volume. (d) PAP is a better tumor marker than PSA for detection of early cancer. (A) a, b, c (B) a, c (C) b, d (D) d (E) all --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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