NTUfin02 板


作者: saturnine (天然呆) 看板: NTUBACP 標題: [其他] Business Professional Training Group 時間: Fri Feb 17 13:16:04 2012 Dear all, 我是財金四的林竹芸,去年暑假剛結束在摩根史坦利IBD的實習,融合過去一年半在歐美唸書跟實習的經驗,設計了一個商學生的訓練計劃 我跟我的五個夥伴已經進行這個訓練計劃半年,我們想推廣這個訓練計劃給更多有志一同的夥伴加入,所以成立了Biz Pro社團,社團每個成員都會有一個mentor,在整個訓練過程中不斷給予協助,社課時間為每周Wednesday 7-10 pm,社課外每周大約會花6小時以上的時間。 我們會有一個簡單的篩選過程,如果有興趣加入我們,請在2/19前用以下google問卷報名,我們將會在2/20(一)或2/22(三)晚上和你面談, Google問卷 http://tinyurl.com/6ppzngb 2012/2/15 Business Professional Training Group Goals 1. Become a business elite by improving: - Analytical skills, problem-solving skills - Lateral thinking - Financial skills - Business writing skills; presentation skills; slide presentation 2. Enhance the abilities to analyze a phenomenon or predict a future trend 3. Be able to deliver the research results well in both paper form and oral presentation The Ways to Proceed Training Keynote sharing for critical training/research methods Lateral thinking question practice (Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_thinking) Apply training methods to Harvard Business School (HBS) case studies a. Prepare analysis/solution to HBS case individually b. Present analysis/solution with slides in business form Do individual presentation and get feedback (3 merits & 3 places to improve) from group members Apply the aforementioned skills to analyze current events Training Agenda Time: 3 hours / meeting, Wednesday night Routine: Lateral thinking practice (20 min); Excel modeling skills (10 min) Introduction: information management àMindmap, Photo reading Major: MECE, Industry Analysis, Graphical Thinking, Pyramid Principle, Basic Financial Modeling, Writing skills, PowerPoint skills Practice: Excel 20-min practice Date Schedule 2/22 Preparation 3/5 (Mon) Key note speaker - Industry Analysis/Stock pitching/Presentation (Optional) 3/7 Graphical Thinking, MECE, Mind map, Photo-reading 3/14 Case - Natureview Farm 3/21 Industry Analysis, Pyramid Principle 3/28 Case - TruEarth Healthy Food 4/4 Writing & PowerPoint skills 4/11 Break – School Midterm Exam Week 4/18 Basic Financial Modeling 4/25 Case - BMW 5/2 Case - P&G 5/9 Case – Netflix 5/16 Case – Starbucks 5/23 Case – Mountain Man Brew 5/30 Sharing Session 6/6 Resume, interview preparation --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ saturnine:The application deadline is postponed to 2/24:)推 02/17 13:25
2F:→ KIMICOCHIANG:推薦!!!!推 02/17 21:35

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: bluntknife (, 時間: 02/18/2012 17:14:22 ※ 編輯: bluntknife 來自: (02/18 17:15)
3F:→ bluntknife:幫忙代po 有問題請詢問saturnine 02/18 17:15

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