NTUfin01 板

★ 主 管 給 我 們 的 話 ★ 年輕銀行家-瑞士銀行IBD執行董事的關鍵演講 Demystify the Investment Banking World ◢◣ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 【時間】 2012.06.01(五)4:00p.m.~5:30p.m. (3:30p.m.開放入場) 【地點】 台大管理學院二號館102室 (管二102) 【報名系統】 http://tinyurl.com/boreyds 【講師介紹】 瑞士銀行 投資銀行部門 執行董事/涂喬彥 ◥◤ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 【講座大綱】 IB到底在做甚麼?哪個部門適合我? 如何培養國際級的專業成功新職員的方法與準則職涯發展建議 ◢◣ 【講師背景】 涂先生於2003年加入瑞銀。他在瑞銀的6年裏,主要負責亞洲金融機 構行業的客戶,提供股票、債券、以及企業併購相關的服務。 他在臺灣主要的交易經驗包括富邦金控私有化富銀香港、新橋私募 基金投資台新金控,以及建華金控與北商銀的合併;在大陸,他參 與了招商銀行27億美元香港上市、美國運通投資連連支付,以及遠 東宏信在香港的IPO跟增發。在MBA畢業之後,於2010年重回瑞銀之 前,涂先生擔任安博凱直接投資基金的高級經理。他是安博凱在臺 灣投資中嘉網路及八大電視的主要團隊成員,並擔任了兩家公司的 監察人。 MBA, London Business School Bachelor of Laws & Commerce (Conjoint), The University of Auckland ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ 【Time】 2012.06.01(Fri.)4:00p.m.~5:30p.m. (Doors open at 3:30p.m.) 【Location】 class 102, Bldg. 2, College of Management, NTU 【Online Registration】 http://tinyurl.com/boreyds 【Speaker】 Brendan Tu Executive Director Investment Banking Department,UBS AG 【Agenda】 Insights into an Investment BankProfessionalism by International StandardDos and Don’tsAdvice on Career Development ◥◤ 【Background Info.】 Brendan started his career with UBS in 2003. During the combined 6 years at UBS, Brendan primarily focuses on covering financial institutions clients in Asia, providing advisory services across equity and debt products as well as mergers and acquisitions. His key transaction experience includes Fubon FHC's privatization of Fubon Bank HK, TPG Newbridge's investment in Taishin FHC, the merger of SinoPac FHC and Int'l Bank of Taipai in Taiwan, as well as China Merchants Bank's US$2.7 billion Hong Kong IPO, American Express' investment in Lianlian Pay in China, Far East Horizon's IPO and SP in Hong Kong. Immediately after his MBA and prior to re-joining UBS in 2010, Brendan was a Senior Associate with MBK Partners. He was a core team member for MBK Partners' investment in China Network System and Gala TV in Taiwan, includin serving as the Supervisor for both companies. ◥◤ MBA, London Business SchoolBachelor of Laws & Commerce (Conjoint), The University of Auckland --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: orangiraffi 來自: (05/23 09:46)

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icon.png[出售] Graco提籃汽座(有底座)2000元誠可議
icon.png[問題] 請問補牙材質掉了還能再補嗎?(台中半年內
icon.png[問題] 44th 單曲 生寫竟然都給重複的啊啊!
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