作者hemels (無顏見江東父老)
標題[請勿轉貼]林肯郡花束 - 第二樂章附注(2)
時間Sat Mar 15 16:54:08 2003
有鑑於此,我要再提供另一個關於 Horkstow Grange 這首歌是否真有其事
的反面證據。事實上,這首歌 - 很可能 - 是假的! 不僅人名虛構,連故事都
John Ball (不要問我他是誰,我哪ㄟ災?) 寫道:
"... [a]s an ardent fan of Grainger and a former North Lincolnshire
resident (Keelby, nr Brigg), ... I once worked near Horkstow and
Saxby all Saints, where Joseph Taylor is buried, and did some research.
My grandfather's family were from the Horkstow area and neither he nor
anyone else knew of either of the characters mentioned in 'Horkstow
Grange' nor is there, apparently, any local knowledge of them".
He also writes: "... when I went to Saxby all Saints about 12 years ago,
I met a man from the village who told me that a lady who lived near
him was a descendent of Joseph Taylor (grand-daughter, I think) and
that she lived near the church".
And later again writes: "I've done an electoral register search of North
Lincolnshire and there are no records for Bowlin, Bowling or Span. I
have looked again at my copy of 'Unto Brigg Fair' and this confirms
that there was no local knowledge of the Horkstow Grange characters."
嗯,如果這位 John Ball 的查證屬實,那麼 Horkstow Grange 的真假,恐怕
就只有當年唱了這首歌給 Grainger 聽的人才知道吧?
如果大家很閒的話,麻煩想想看歌詞,想想 Grainger 的筆記,然後試著解
1. 歌詞中的miser (吝嗇鬼) 跟 his man (僕人?) 到底是分別指誰?
2. Steeleye Span 跟 Bowling,哪個才是被欺負的人?
3. 根據我在其他地方找到的資料,有些人認為 Span 跟 Bowling 在這場爭
吵發生的當天前,並不互相認識 (也就是說”長久欺壓”並不成立)。那
4. 這個故事的可信性有多高? 文中的矛盾到底可能是因為Grainger抄錯、
p.s. 已經有解答了! 就在...
In the
House of Remaining Snow,
We dance and sing, make merry while the days
are long.
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