作者ANUBISANKH (Pourquoi?)
標題Re: [公告] 關於午聚
時間Tue Mar 20 00:31:28 2007
如題, 不知各位是否有時間? 因為這學期的社課比較鬆散且不固定, 為了交流感情XD
所以想辦辦午聚! 就一起吃吃午餐, 也可以討論一下社團的事, 如果只靠bbs可能會有
miss掉的情況. 社團就是要聊天呀(毆)!!
所以...來po時間吧? (學弟你一定要回文喔!)
mon tue wed thu fri
shummy o x o x o
anubis o o o x o 禮拜四應該是咪艇 orz
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" Morning's going past us and heading your way, my friend.
You give it a chance, morning's going to bring you the
reason you need, some purpose, because that's what the
morning does."
==== Dean Knootz, SOLE SURVIOVOR ====
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