作者Sokari (一篇文章的開頭最難寫)
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時間Mon Mar 6 00:28:57 2006
Technological systems become organized by commands from outside,
as whwn human intentions lead to the building of structures or machines.
But many natural systems become structured by their own internal process:
these are self-organizing systems, and the emergence of order within them
is a complex phenomenon that intrigues scientists from all disciplines.
-- F.E. Yates et al., Self-Organizing Systems : The Emergence of Order
Simple and complex systems exhibit...the spontaneous emergence of order,
the occurence of self-organization.
-- S.A. Kauffman, The Origins of Order: Self-Organization and
Selective in Evolution
One of the principal objects of theoretical research in any department of
knowledge is to find the point of view from which the subject appears in
its greatest simplicity
-- J. Willard Gibbs
Complex dynamical systems can sometimes go spontaneously from randomness to
order; is this a driving force in evolution?
-- M.M. Waldrop
Here "emergence" does not mean mysteries popping out of the undergrowth;
it means that with a sufficient understanding of interactive process,
we should come to understand why a complex whole has properties its parts
lack on their own, and how the parts are modified by the context in which
they lie.
-- Richard L. Gregory (1994)
Life is an expected, collectively self-organized property of catalytic polymer.
-- S.A. Kauffman
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※ 編輯: Sokari 來自: (03/06 00:45)