作者Sokari (一篇文章的開頭最難寫)
標題Re: [週期] 網宣,也要開始進行了吧。
時間Sun Feb 26 00:40:40 2006
※ 引述《ANUBISANKH (笑面男 d(:D))》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《ANUBISANKH (笑面男 d(:D))》之銘言:
: : 大概就是依照之前的一些舊圖加上廣告文字囉,有什麼比較容易吸引人的字眼嗎?
: : 請大家腦袋風暴一下。
: : 明後天會把課表排出來,希望啦。
: (以下食品最適合食用對象: 大一新生)
: 我的部分:
: (1) Introduction to Nonlinear Science (1 lecture)
: (2) Modeling & Software (with some basic analyzing methods) (2 lectures)
: (3) Special Topic: Phase Transition (hope there are 2 lectures)
: (4) Special Topic: Thermodynamics Thoughts (1~2 lectures)
(1) Neuroscience overview - Biological Neurons and Networks
including topics:
Electrical properties of neurons
Brain structure at different levels of organization
Synaptic mechanism
(2) Learning rule
including topics:
Hippocampus in learning and memory
Widrow-Hoff Learning rule
Multi-layered networks and error-correction learning
Unsupervised learning : Autoassociative network
Self-organization and the brain
(3) Information,computation,sensation
including topics:
Information transmittion in the brain
Hopfield network and Botzmann machines
Feed-forward net
Computational goal of the neocortex
Population coding*
(4) Neural network dynamics**
including topics:
Graded persistent activity : attractors and dynamic representations
Oscillations and synchrony in top-down processing
Phase transition and cognition
Cooperation phenomena (optional)
* 可能獨立成一次的上課內容
**可能換成講 central pattern generator 或是就拿來講 population coding
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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