作者kaiweiliou (我也要一台NB)
標題Re: [公告] 期初聚餐!!
時間Sat Feb 18 23:51:47 2006
※ 引述《Wolfram (都不用暱稱了嗎?)》之銘言:
※ 引述《ANUBISANKH (笑面男 d(:D))》之銘言:
新舊社員大會串(來亂的),預計辦在第二周,時間請 repost,地點大家決定吧(沒概念)。
mon tue wed thu fri
anubis o o o o o
Wolfram o o x o o (意思是說從Feb 27 開始囉?)
kaiwei o o o o o (大家都來吧~老社員的呼喚~)
"Exactly," said Godwin. "A fish! It's all to do with the action of fluids, you
see. Water. Air. Chaos and turbulence! It's all in the calculations."
----《Difference Engine》
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1F:推 ANUBISANKH:ya right 02/18 23:39
2F:推 Wolfram:OK 我週三不行是可以移動的不行,家教時間暫定週三,如果 02/18 23:40
3F:→ Wolfram:大家的交集是週三我就可以跟著改。 02/18 23:41
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